ponty / PyVirtualDisplay

Python wrapper for Xvfb, Xephyr and Xvnc
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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Ignore passing diplay size from variable #13

Closed vkudyushev closed 9 years ago

vkudyushev commented 9 years ago

Whet I trying to pass display size from variable, that taken from text file, pyvirtual ignore it and starts dizplay with width 1px and height 3-6px When I print display size like (1366, 768) in same script in works perfect. So, I've also tried to replace quotes (' and ") fron variable, but it gives same result.

ponty commented 9 years ago

I don't understand the problem. Can you include a small script which shows the problem?

vkudyushev commented 9 years ago

So, I'm sorry, forgotten about code sample...

Here is header and sample line text file, where taken display size:

"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:27.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/27.0||1366, 768","0.0068"

the "||" is delemiter inside first colunm (user-agent and screen size together because numpy can work only with two lists - value and it's frequence). So, then I take random value from list, split value from first column and give splitted values by variables into their places into this code:

agents = open("user-agents.txt", "r")
        csvReader = csv.reader(agents)
        header = csvReader.next()
        agentsIndex = header.index("agents")
        freqsIndex = header.index("freqs")
        coordList = []
        coordList2 = []
        for col in csvReader:
            agent = col[agentsIndex]
            freq = col[freqsIndex]

        itog = np.random.choice(coordList, p=coordList2)
        itogs = itog.split("||")

        display = Display(visible=1, size=(itogs[1]))

        profile = webdriver.FirefoxProfile()

This functions putted into a loop by def fuction(). And so, user-agents value work perfect and user-agent always overrides, but size of virtual display isn't work correctly with this code.

When I type something like this

...display = Display(visible=1, size=(1027, 768))

it's works correctly, but not with size value from my variable. It starts a display with width 1px and height 3px. My python version is 2.7

ponty commented 9 years ago

For bug reports try to include small and complete working programs. I transformed your program into a small working one, I added string to int conversion which was missing:

from pyvirtualdisplay import Display
itog="Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:27.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/27.0||1366, 768"
itogs = itog.split("||")
display = Display(visible=1, size=(width,height))
vkudyushev commented 9 years ago

Wow! Works like a charm! You are magician! Thank a lot!