ponty / PyVirtualDisplay

Python wrapper for Xvfb, Xephyr and Xvnc
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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Where can I find the changelog? #60

Closed SuperSandro2000 closed 2 years ago

SuperSandro2000 commented 3 years ago

I am searching the changelog for 2.0 but I can't find it anywhere and 2.0 breaks builds (https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/109098) and I wondered why.

The-Compiler commented 3 years ago

I don't think there's a changelog, unfortunately. FWIW I'd also love to have one to know what changed between releases - the git commit messages usually aren't very helpful unfortunately :wink:

ponty commented 3 years ago

There is no changelog. The history can be checked in the git log, versions are tagged.

$ git log --oneline --decorate 1.3.2..2.0 | cut -c 9-| grep -v -e  test -e __version__ -e doc -e vagrant -e travis -e clean -e TODO -e init |sort
do not modify os.environ for xdpyinfo call
fix is_alive() and return_code before start()  #50
fix retries parameter
fix waitgrab(autocrop=False)
make is_started private #50
'manage_global_env' option for thread safe usage #57
py39 support
refactor start(): separate displayfd code from old code
refactor to autocrop() func
remove py2
remove pyscreenshot dependency
remove randomizer
setup.py: long_description_content_type
use pipes instead of temp files

Can you post the error message? I checked your link, but I couldn't find it. I run also this command, but there is no error message:

nix-build -A python37Packages.virtual-display https://github.com/r-ryantm/nixpkgs/archive/4b7f9e6be5b5b551fe457be594d79052ac8bf641.tar.gz
SuperSandro2000 commented 3 years ago

Can you post the error message? I checked your link, but I couldn't find it.

Not sure why the bot failed to build most of the packages but on closer inspection they do build. Maybe the underlying issue already got fixed and was unrelated to this package.