ponylang / main.actor.archived

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Build a site #12

Closed ChristopherBiscardi closed 5 years ago

ChristopherBiscardi commented 5 years ago

This is all of the infrastructure and the initial implementation of a gatsby-based main.actor. You can see the site currently deployed at https://gracious-keller-8bfb46.netlify.com


URLs are generated as such: packages/<name>/<version>/<markdown-file-path> so you might end up with the following for http@0.2.1 when looking at the Payload class:


There are some areas of different markdown files that end up looking a bit awkward (here's an example that uses types in the heading), so we'll probably want to format the output differently


SeanTAllen commented 5 years ago

Nice. Thanks @ChristopherBiscardi. Are you interested in working more on this going forward? Should I be trying to round up folks who might be willing to chip in?

Could you write up some "how it all works" docs that help people get started?

SeanTAllen commented 5 years ago

I'll merge in the next few days or so when I have some make sure the infrastructure is all in place for having it "be live".

SeanTAllen commented 5 years ago

@ChristopherBiscardi do you have a netlify.toml that should be used for deploying the site on netlify?

jemc commented 5 years ago

Very cool!

BTW, looking through the netlify preview, it looks like there is an issue with underscores in function names being interpreted as markdown-italics:

Screenshot from 2019-07-24 07-26-26

It also looks like Sean has a typo in his function names :grin:

jemc commented 5 years ago

I'll also note that we might want to add a .gitattributes file with the following contents:

docs-raw-md/* linguist-generated=true

Doing so will cause the raw md changes to be hidden in pull requests, for easier review.

SeanTAllen commented 5 years ago

@jemc that .gitattributes change sounds like an excellent idea

SeanTAllen commented 5 years ago

Closing as this has all been incorporated. Thanks Chris!