Closed dimmie closed 9 years ago
Thanks for letting us know you're having problems. Whatever you may be doing wrong in your code you shouldn't be able to make a Pony program segfault, so it's probably our fault.
Will github let you upload just your Pony source file? That would be a very good start to working out what's going on.
Thanks for answering so promptly !
The upload is a tar.gz file uploaded after appending a .jpg extension. Is it usable ?
Yes, that's usable, thanks. Having to rename the file to be a jpg to upload is very silly of github, but it's a good trick to note for next time.
From your source I can reproduce the segfault. I shall investigate!
This appears to be a good old fashioned "we're putting the wrong value somewhere" in the GC code, so @sylvanc can you have a look at it please.
The problem is that the actor
field in an actorref_t
is being set to 0x1_0000_0001 (or occasionally NULL). I do not think that this is a random memory stomp as it is far too consistent and I can reproduce it on both Windows and Linux (not tried on OSX). I assume therefore that this is something going off the end of a list, casting to the wrong type, or similar.
The stack trace I get when this happens is:
#3 0x00007ffff6f0ee42 in __assert_fail () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
#4 0x000000000041636e in has_flag ()
#5 0x00000000004168d6 in actor_pendingdestroy ()
#6 0x000000000041f537 in send_release ()
#7 0x000000000041f6aa in actormap_sweep ()
#8 0x000000000041a74e in gc_sweep ()
#9 0x00000000004165e5 in try_gc ()
#10 0x00000000004166fa in actor_run ()
In actormap_sweep() (frame 7) before the call to send_release(), aref->actor
is already the bad value.
For reference here is the example program that provokes the error. I've not tried shortening it yet.
use "options"
use "time"
use "collections"
use "random"
//use @usleep[U32](usecs :U32)
class Config
var count: U64 = 5
var scale: U64 = 100
var debug: Bool = false
var usleep: Bool = false
var verbose: Bool = false
fun ref apply(env: Env): Bool =>
var options = Options(env)
.add("count", "c", I64Argument)
.add("scale", "s", I64Argument)
.add("debug", "d", None)
.add("usleep", "u", None)
.add("verbose", "v", None)
for option in options do
match option
| ("count", var arg: I64) => count = arg.u64()
| ("scale", var arg: I64) => scale = arg.u64()
| ("debug", var arg: None) => debug = true
| ("usleep", var arg: None) => usleep = true
| ("verbose", var arg: None) => verbose = true
| let err: ParseError =>
philo [OPTIONS]
--count -c number of philosophers
--scale -s waiting units (ms)
--debug -d enable debug output on stdout
--usleep -u use usleep instead of Timers
--verbose -v list main actions on stdout
return false
if debug then
"count: " + count.string()
class TimerWatch is TimerNotify
from example/timers
let _env: Env
let _params: Params val
let _debug: Bool
let _logger: Logger
var _count: U64 = 0
let _caller: Guest
let _id: U64
new iso create(env: Env) =>
_env = env
new iso assign(env: Env, params: Params val, caller: Guest, id: U64) =>
_env = env
_params = params
_debug = _params.debug
_logger = _params.logger
_caller = caller
_id = id
if _debug then
_logger.message("# timer assigned id: " + _id.string())
fun ref apply(timer: Timer, count: U64): Bool =>
_count = _count + count
if _debug then
_logger.message("# timer elapsed id: " + _id.string() +
" count: " + _count.string())
// break after that many cycles
_count < 1
fun ref cancel(timer: Timer) =>
if _debug then
_logger.message("# timer cancelled id: " + _id.string())
class Microsleep
new create () => this
fun udeep(usecs': U64) :U32 =>
let usecs: U32 = usecs'.u32()
let ret = U32(0) //@usleep(usecs)
actor Guest
let _env: Env
let _debug: Bool
let _usleep: Bool
let _verbose: Bool
let _scale: U64
var _main: Main
let _params: Params val
let _logger: Logger
let _id: U64
var _state: U64
var _dispose: Bool = false
var _eating: U64
var _working: U64
var _rand: Random
let _timers: Timers
let _snooze: Microsleep
new create(env: Env, params: Params val, main: Main, id': U64) =>
var seed: U64 = 9876543
_main = main
_env = env
_params = params
_debug = _params.debug
_usleep = _params.usleep
_verbose = _params.verbose
_scale = _params.scale
_logger = _params.logger
_id =id'; _state = 0
_rand = MT()
for i in Range[U64](0, id' + 1) do
seed = 12345 +
_rand = MT(seed)
// microseconds version, for Microsleep
_snooze = Microsleep
_timers = Timers.create()
if _usleep then
_eating = (_scale + * _scale)) * 1000
_working = (_scale + * _scale)) * 1000
// nanoseconds version, for pony timers
_eating = (_scale + * _scale)) * 1000000
_working = (_scale + * _scale)) * 1000000
fun getId() :U64 => _id
be proceed(id: U64) =>
if _debug then
_logger.message("# proceed " + _id.string() +
" (state: " + _state.string() + ")")
if _state == 2 then
_state = 1; _main.situp(_id)
_state = 0; _main.clear(_id)
be eat() =>
if _usleep then
// if (_dispose = _dispose or true) then _timers.dispose() end
let timer = Timer(TimerWatch.assign(_env, _params, this, _id),
_eating, _eating)
_timers.apply(consume timer)
_state = 2
if _verbose then
_logger.message(_id.string() + ": eating (" + _eating.string() + ")")
be work() =>
if _usleep then
// if (_dispose = _dispose or true) then _timers.dispose() end
let timer = Timer(TimerWatch.assign(_env, _params, this, _id),
_working, _working)
_timers.apply(consume timer)
_state = 1
if _verbose then
_logger.message(_id.string() + ": working (" + _working.string() + ")")
class Params
let debug: Bool
let usleep: Bool
let verbose: Bool
let scale: U64
let logger: Logger
new val create(debug': Bool, usleep': Bool, verbose': Bool,
scale': U64, logger': Logger) =>
debug = debug'
usleep = usleep'
verbose = verbose'
scale = scale'
logger = logger'
actor Logger
let _env: Env
new create(env: Env) =>
_env = env
be message(text: String) =>
actor Main
let _env: Env
var _config: Config = Config
let _params: Params val
let _logger: Logger
let _debug: Bool
let _usleep: Bool
let _verbose: Bool
var _table: U64 = 0
var _busy: U64 = 0
var _forks: U64 = 0b11
let _gcount: U64
let _gforks: Array[U64]
let _gbusy: Array[U64]
var _guests: Array[Guest]
let _snooze: Microsleep = Microsleep
var _kick: U64 = 0
var _last: U64 = 0
new create(env: Env) =>
_env = env
if _config(env) then
_debug = _config.debug
_usleep = _config.usleep
_verbose = _config.verbose
_logger = Logger(_env)
_params =
Params(_debug, _usleep, _verbose, _config.scale, _logger)
var guest: U64 = 1
let guest_count = _config.count
let guests = recover Array[Guest](guest_count) end
let guest_forks = recover Array[U64](guest_count) end
let guest_busy = recover Array[U64](guest_count) end
for i in Range[U64](0, guest_count) do
guests.push(Guest(_env, _params, this, i))
guest_forks.push(_forks); _forks = _forks << 1
guest_busy.push(guest); guest = guest << 1
guest_forks(guest_count - 1) =
guest_forks(guest_count - 1) xor (guest or 1)
_gcount = consume guest_count
_gforks = consume guest_forks
_gbusy = consume guest_busy
_guests = consume guests
_logger = Logger(_env)
_params = Params(false, false, false, 0, _logger)
_debug = false
_usleep = false
_verbose = false
_gcount = 0
_gforks = recover Array[U64](1) end
_gbusy = recover Array[U64](1) end
_guests = recover Array[Guest](1) end
if _verbose or _debug then
for i in Range[U64](0, _gcount) do
_logger.message("guest " + i.string() +
" forks: " + binary(_gforks(i), _gcount) +
" busy: " + binary(_gbusy(i), _gcount)
if _usleep then
_logger.message("timed by usleep timers")
_logger.message("timed by pony timers")
// for_ever()
fun for_ever() =>
until false end
be situp(id: U64) =>
_table = _table and not _gforks(id)
_logger.message("!!! situp failed: " + id.string())
// error
if _verbose then
_logger.message("Has Eaten: " + id.string())
_logger.message("!!! _guests(" + id.string() + ").work failed: ")
be clear(id: U64) =>
// _table = _table and not _gforks(id)
_busy = _busy and not _gbusy(id)
_logger.message("!!! clear failed: " + id.string())
// error
if _verbose then
_logger.message("Back again: " + id.string())
be schedule() =>
var cnt: U64 = 0
var i = _last
if _verbose then print_state(">Schedule: ", _last, _table, _busy) end
_kick = 0
// repeat
while cnt < _gcount do
if ((_table and _gforks(i)) == 0) and
((_busy and _gbusy(i)) == 0)
_kick = _kick + 1
_table = _table or _gforks(i)
_busy = _busy or _gbusy(i)
if _verbose then
_logger.message("Eating: " + i.string() )
_logger.message("!!! schedule failed: " + i.string())
// error
i = i + 1
if i >= _gcount then
i = 0
cnt = cnt + 1
_last = i
if _kick == 0 then _snooze.udeep(250000) end
// until _kick > 1 end
if _verbose then print_state("<Schedule: ",_last, _table, _busy) end
fun print_state(head: String, last: U64, table: U64, busy: U64) =>
_logger.message(head + "- last: " + last.string() +
" forks: " + binary(table, _gcount) +
" guests: " + binary(busy, _gcount))
fun binary(arg: U64, width: U64) :String ref =>
var mod: U64 = 0
var bin = String(width)
var rst: U64 = arg
var itr: U64 = 0
while itr < width do
if rst > 0 then
mod = rst % 2; rst = rst / 2
bin.append(if mod == 0 then "0" else "1" end)
itr = itr + 1
Just an update that I'm still working on this. It's the same bug as #320.
We believe this is now fixed. We never actually pinned down exactly what was going wrong, but we've fixed a number of minor issues relating to memory handling and now we cannot reproduce this anymore.
Closing the issue. If anyone can still reproduce it please reopen with details of what you're doing and seeing.
Coincidentally I also decided to give Pony a try by writing a dining philosophers version and hit the memory issue (as described in as well. At that time I was using ponyc 0.2.1
and decided to compile with the latest version 0.2.1-405-g60e05ac
to migitate this issue.
In using 0.2.1-405-g60e05ac
I found my version of the dining philosophers to be more unstable. Sometimes my philosophers manage to satisfy their appetites, but usually the program segfaults before completion. In one instance I got an assertion failure :
pony: src/libponyrt/mem/pool.c:598: pool_free: Assertion `index < (20 - 5 + 1)' failed.
My version of the dining philosophers can be found at
Regarding the code : the count (amount of philosophers) and appetite (amount of iterations before a philosopher stops dining) constants can be changed to increase pressure on actor count or runtime duration respectively. The program itself deadlock free, but not livelock free.
Other than that it might also be interesting to know I'm running Linux Mint 17.1 with LLVM version 3.6.2 and that writing Pony is pretty fun! If there is any more information I can provide, let me know :)
Hello Ponies !
New to pony and still not quite at ease with the many new concepts. Anyway, I tried myself at the dining philosophers problem and got at last my code compiled. The program sort of works, but usually silently exits after a few dozen iterations. In the more useful cases, it segfaults - which this is about.
ponyc is compiled from fresh git sources ($ ./ponyc-debug -v : 0.2.1-59-ge640645). The documentation includes $ tar -tzf philo-core.tgz philo1 philo/main.pony philo1.log core
The segfault was more or less reproducible when running ./philo1 -v
The philosophers eat then work and turn back to eat. Scheduling is controlled by grabbing both forks at once (a bit "ring" of forks keeps track of forks usage) and working philosophers are registered in a "busy" bit array.
It is quite possible that the problems I experience arise from my lack of experience in pony or otherwise - in that case, kindly point out where my errors and msiconceptions lie.
Thanks for any help - pony is going to be a great language. Only the documentation is a bit lacking at the moment.
P.S. If interested, tell me where to send the 1MB philo-core.tgz tar file, whilch github refuses to upload.