pookjw / SidecarPatcher

Enables Sidecar on old Mac and iPad for macOS 10.15
GNU General Public License v3.0
667 stars 54 forks source link

I figured out what's causing the latest version of OSX to not allow this patch! #24

Open charlieporth1 opened 4 years ago

charlieporth1 commented 4 years ago

I figured out what's causing the latest version of OSX to not allow this patch! in Resources/sidecarPrefCheck I'm currently decompiling it that seams to crash if its not a supported hw version it checks the hardware and returns something I'm figuring that out right now

pookjw commented 4 years ago

Do you mean /System/Library/PreferencePanes/Sidecar.prefPane/Contents/Resources/sidecarPrefCheck?

I applied patch on iMac18,2 (2017 iMac - officially supports Sidecar) on 10.15.1_19B88 and there's no patch error, Sidecar works. But I don't have Sidecar unsupported device, so I don't know on unsupported device. What's the symptom exactly you encountered?




charlieporth1 commented 4 years ago

I cannot open the sidecar prefPane

charlieporth1 commented 4 years ago

I get this error, when using this command open /System/Library/PreferencePanes/Sidecar.prefPane/

Screen Shot 2019-10-29 at 5 38 58 PM Screen Shot 2019-10-29 at 5 40 14 PM

On a side note what program are you using

pookjw commented 4 years ago

Can you upload /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SidecarCore.framework/Versions/A/SidecarCore?

charlieporth1 commented 4 years ago

The edited or unedited? here's both


pookjw commented 4 years ago

Both if you can. and I used iHex - Hex Editor

charlieporth1 commented 4 years ago

That's one of the tools I'm using

pookjw commented 4 years ago

The edited or unedited? here's both


Seems like your SidecarCore wasn't patched. Run SidecarPatcher again. If you encounter error when running SidecarPatcher, upload log here.


charlieporth1 commented 4 years ago

I ran it and still can't open the pane

pookjw commented 4 years ago

Ok I know what's the problem. You used ben-z/free-sidecar and patched MacBookPro11,4 right? SidecarPatcher is not compatible with ben-z/free-sidecar

  1. To Use SidecarPatcher, revert to original SidecarCore

  2. If you used ben-z/free-sidecar and followed 10 steps, you can open Sidecar pane.

charlieporth1 commented 4 years ago

Ok I know what's the problem. You used https://github.com/ben-z/free-sidecar and patched MacBookPro11,4 right? SidecarPatcher is not compatible with https://github.com/ben-z/free-sidecar

  1. To Use SidecarPatcher, revert to original SidecarCore
  2. If you used https://github.com/ben-z/free-sidecar, you can open Sidecar pane. If you can't you are not using MacBookPro11,4 or there's are other problem.

I used https://github.com/ben-z/free-sidecar but reverted it, hold one one sec while I upload a screen recording

pookjw commented 4 years ago

I tried to patch your SidecarCore and if I tried to patch your SidecarCore.bak, there's no error.

pook@Potato-iMac ~ % sudo /Users/pook/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/SidecarPatcher-hethiyofuzmsvrbaigcagkevttjk/Build/Products/Debug/SidecarPatcher # Archive/SidecarCore
SidecarPatcher (Version 10)
GitHub : https://github.com/pookjw/SidecarPatcher
Fatal error: Not supported SidecarCore! or seems like damaged: file /Users/pook/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/Documents/Xcode/SidecarPatcher/SidecarPatcher/main.swift, line 61
zsh: illegal hardware instruction  sudo  # Archive/SidecarCore
pook@Potato-iMac ~ % 
pook@Potato-iMac ~ % 
pook@Potato-iMac ~ % sudo /Users/pook/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/SidecarPatcher-hethiyofuzmsvrbaigcagkevttjk/Build/Products/Debug/SidecarPatcher # Archive/SidecarCore.bak
SidecarPatcher (Version 10)
GitHub : https://github.com/pookjw/SidecarPatcher
Reboot your macOS.
pook@Potato-iMac ~ % 
charlieporth1 commented 4 years ago

Sidecar doens't open is what's happening Screen Shot 2019-10-29 at 6 13 26 PM I can't click on it and open the Pane

pookjw commented 4 years ago

Sidecar doens't open is what's happening Screen Shot 2019-10-29 at 6 13 26 PM I can't click on it and open the Pane

As I said I don't have unsupported device so I don't know detail. Showing iPad on AirPlay is almost near. and you are using 10.15.1 beta, how about updating to official 10.15.1? after updating, you need to patch SidecarCore again.