pooler / electrum-ltc

Electrum-LTC Litecoin wallet
MIT License
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Cannot send LTC in Electrum LTC to Nano S #151

Open kensanlb opened 6 years ago

kensanlb commented 6 years ago

Hi, I'm not sure if I can explain what happened but I'll try... I originally made the mistake of transferring LTC to a BTC wallet. I got it out and moved it to a Electrum LTC wallet (2of3). Now I'd like to move it to Nano S device but I only have 1 wallet that I created and it looks like I need 2 of 3 in order to send. How do I create a 2nd wallet that matches with the 1st one and instruct both to send the LTC to Nano S? I hope that explained it.. Thanks for any help you can direct. (please be more specific because I'm so new at this)

pooler commented 6 years ago

It's probably easier if you create a single multisig wallet holding both private keys. Just follow the same process to create a new 2-of-3 multisig wallet, and provide the two xprv keys when asked, one at a time.

kensanlb commented 6 years ago

I did create a new 2 of 3 multisig wallet but it does not show the balance on the wallet. what am i doing wrong?

pooler commented 6 years ago

I did create a new 2 of 3 multisig wallet but it does not show the balance on the wallet. what am i doing wrong?

If the generated addresses are not the ones you expected, then you must have used the wrong keys.

It all depends on how your original BTC wallet was created. Was it created in Electrum using a 2-of-3 scheme? Or was it a 2FA wallet? You said you managed to convert it to a 2-of-3 Electrum-LTC wallet, but you didn't say how.

kensanlb commented 6 years ago

I followed the instructions online https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umsIy1ks8vg&feature=youtu.be&t=2m14s and now this is what it's showing: image I can't seem to make it work..

kensanlb commented 6 years ago

any help would be greatly appreciate it!

pooler commented 6 years ago
  1. Please confirm whether your original BTC wallet was a 2FA wallet.
  2. Make sure you copied the 2 distinct xprv keys and the remaining xpub key, and not some other combination.
  3. You should upgrade your Electrum-LTC to the latest version.
kensanlb commented 6 years ago

Yes, it was 2FA wallet from Electrum.

  1. I have the file (see attached) but don't know how to go from there. thank you electrumltc
kensanlb commented 6 years ago

Thank you pooler! :-)

pooler commented 6 years ago

Is the screenshot above of the original Bitcoin wallet, of the Bitcoin wallet with 2FA disabled, or of the Litecoin wallet?

kensanlb commented 6 years ago

the first one is that of Electrum LTC

pooler commented 6 years ago

I meant the screenshot of the wallet file.

kensanlb commented 6 years ago

No, that's the wallet file that the currently holds the LTC.

pooler commented 6 years ago

My best guess at this point is that you simply did not follow the instructions in the video properly. You probably skipped or misunderstood some steps relative to the creation of the Bitcoin wallet with 2FA disabled. I suggest that you start again from the beginning going very slowly and taking detailed notes of every single step you take, and if it still doesn't work post the full notes here.

kensanlb commented 2 years ago

Hi Pooler, so after 3 years and not able to find or move the LTC out of the wallet and not knowing how to retrieve it. I have given up on doing it myself. They are still there and I can't get it out! If anyone has the knowhow to help I would really appreciate it and would compensate your time and effort. Please contact me at kensanlb@gmail.com Thank you!