pooler / electrum-ltc

Electrum-LTC Litecoin wallet
MIT License
197 stars 102 forks source link

Electrum-LTC v3.0.6.2 refuses to send a tx with less than 0.00023 LTC fee. #155

Open MrMebelMan opened 6 years ago

MrMebelMan commented 6 years ago


I am using a "standard" wallet since the "segwit" wallet generates invalid addresses, which is the topic for another issue.

When I try to send a tx with less than 0.00023 LTC fee (which is a high priority fee), it throws an error: "This transaction requires a higher fee, or it will not be propagated by the network."

When I use the 0.00023 fee or higher, it gives me the warning: "The fee for this transaction seems unusually high."

That's not good.

pooler commented 6 years ago

0.00023 LTC looks like a minimal fee (at the standard rate of 1 mLTC/kB) for a small transaction, so the issue here is the warning message "The fee for this transaction seems unusually high", which should not be displayed.

I tried to reproduce the situation you describe but I couldn't, so I suppose there's something that I'm missing about your setup.

Do you remember what was the first version of Electrum-LTC that you installed on this computer?

Could you please try to backup and delete the contents of your data folder, except for your wallets, and see if the issue persists?

MrMebelMan commented 6 years ago

Yep, looks like you're right about the minimal fee :(

I can't remember the first version of Electrum that I installed (2.x.x), but I removed it before installing the latest one. I've also tried setting up brand new wallets on OS X, Linux Debian and Linux Mint, the warning issue persists. I will re-check it.