pooler / electrum-ltc

Electrum-LTC Litecoin wallet
MIT License
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Incorrect derivation path when restoring wallet using BIP39 seed phrase #235

Open nickrod opened 4 years ago

nickrod commented 4 years ago

When attempting to restore an OpenBazaar wallet into Electrum, I had trouble getting the balance to show up. Then I found an article explaining that the default derivation path is incorrect (should use 1 index instead of 2), https://openbazaar.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360002820331-How-do-I-restore-OpenBazaar-from-a-mnemonic-seed-

Is this an issue with the OpenBazaar implementation or Electrum?

pooler commented 4 years ago

According to SLIP-0044, index 2 should be used for Litecoin, and that's what Electrum-LTC does by default.

If other software uses a different index, it is of course a bit of an interoperability issue, but all should be good as long as the correct derivation path can be determined.