pooler / electrum-ltc

Electrum-LTC Litecoin wallet
MIT License
200 stars 102 forks source link

Wallet hacked! DANGERS!!! #329

Open softweri opened 2 months ago

softweri commented 2 months ago

The wallet is password protected and encrypted. The system is secure, but they took everything clean. Electrum hacked, and withdrawing everything. Hacker's wallet. LXyt2GnpDUwJC9tp2XdGhyHnUZ4gwWQ8M2 Le27Cx9PspmdsrSVsgnSwruM9DwD2aDPBM

Harrystarafk commented 1 month ago

The wallet is password protected and encrypted. The system is secure, but they took everything clean. Electrum hacked, and withdrawing everything. Hacker's wallet. LXyt2GnpDUwJC9tp2XdGhyHnUZ4gwWQ8M2 Le27Cx9PspmdsrSVsgnSwruM9DwD2aDPBM

They will never reply you on here and they can’t do anything I almost lost about 10 ethereum few days ago when my wallet got hacked and all my funds withdrawn but thanks to blackhathacker who helped me recover my coins from the scammers message him on telegram https://t.me/Blackhathacker110