poolghost / adminoptionspages-issues

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Ability to import/export the settings #1

Open wh-stmnt opened 4 years ago

wh-stmnt commented 4 years ago

what an amazing plugin, I like it alot as it is really flexibel and easy to use. I am having few issues tho..

poolghost commented 4 years ago

Thx Waseem for your nice words.

And yes I'm still working on this project!

Soon I come with an update for the documention site.

And I'm working on the pro version (yes with an import/export).

Maybe I must write a roadmap with al the goals for the future.

You can help this project by giving it more publicity. Reviews and stars are helping as well (very important).

And... feedback. What are you missing? For what kind of projects are you using this plugin? Which functionalities are making a real difference?

And I'm looking for people to test the pro version when it's ready. If you interesting?

wh-stmnt commented 4 years ago

Hi !, Well sure, I am already recoumanding it as I can see it potentials.. it one of the best plugins I have ever seen. you must get award for the UI alone :D.

what we need as developers is something like: Vafpress. https://github.com/vafour/vafpress-framework

as I see, your plugin is for Developers/Web-Agency .. Please make sure the Price is fair for Developers as Import/Export is just a basic feature not a Pro one.

For me Pro would be like:

and I think there is so much room for improvement as the layout looks a lot like Wordpress Gutenberg, it is nice, yet

I work Full-Time Wordpress developer for a Company in Germany: What I can do:

just contact me @ waseem-hafes@outlook.com

Thanks for your work.

ricardopadilha commented 2 years ago

I second the request for export/import functionality. It does not even need to be that complicated. A simple JSON dump from a single page that we copy/paste from one site to another would be great.

The workflow I have in mind is this:

  1. Go to site A, open a given option page.
  2. Copy the whole page as a JSON string.
  3. Go to site B, create a new option page.
  4. Paste the JSON string, save.

By the way, while you figure out the pricing details, is there a place we can send you a beer for your efforts so far?

poolghost commented 2 years ago

I'm working on something 🙂.

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