pootle / tripipy

Simple python driver for Trinamic tmc5130 connected to Raspberry Pi
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Line updateSettings in chipdrive.py #2

Open AndyThirtover opened 5 years ago

AndyThirtover commented 5 years ago

Hi there --- I've now got the right board with R1 deleted and this code is working for me.

I've found that updateSettings throws this error:

mot.updateSettings([{'maxrpm':10}]) Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in File "/home/pi/tripipy/chipdrive.py", line 106, in updateSettings if 'stepsPerRev' in upates: NameError: name 'upates' is not defined

Line 106 has upates instead of updates.

Now I'm trying to work out the settings for the quietest possible drive of a Nema 17 - perhaps a couple of pointers would help and I'll document my findings!

Double Regards


pootle commented 5 years ago

Oops - how did that escape!

To get the fastest speed, test with a fairly slow ramp rate set. Also the higher the driving voltage you can use the better, and use current limiting to stop it heating up - although I've not messed with current limiting on these chips, I used it to good effect on an a4988. The fastest step rate in the datasheet for the motor should be a good starting point. They tend not to have much torque at high speed, so depending on the load you have to drive, you mahy have to back off a bit.

Good luck!