pootlepress / caxton

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Customer report of issue with Super Text Block #190

Open jamiemarsland opened 4 years ago

jamiemarsland commented 4 years ago

Using the Super Text block in certain cases the font Danzing Script does not work, in other case it does. Please see the screenshots attached. Here you can see both the admin side pictures and the shop side. As you can note, in the case where the block is in Document>Cover>Columns>Column>Super Text - this does not work, but in the case where the block is in Document>Caxton Layouts>Caxton section>Super Text, it does.

ahsipila commented 4 years ago

Any progress on this?

ahsipila commented 4 years ago

To offer some help I post the following notes:

With view source I can note that the font definition is entered in the block: <div class="wp-block-caxton-super-text"><p class="" style="padding-left:0em;padding-right:0em;font-weight:400;font-family:Dancing Script;color:#555;font-size:50px;" data-mobile-css="" data-tablet-css="" data-desktop-css="font-size:50px;"><spanclass="">Valmistus

(Sorry cannot get the code paste totally right, but you see the idea above)

In the definition panel of Storefront Pro the text and Heading font is selected as Roboto <link rel='stylesheet' id='sfp-google-fonts-css' href='//fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto%7CRoboto%7CRoboto%7CRoboto%7CRoboto&#038;ver=5.5.1' media='all'/>

Google fonts are loaded, including this "Dancing Script", which I established by changing the text and Heading fonts to "Dancing Script" in the panel, in this case the Dancing Script is shown also on the Caxton block.

Thereby I conclude that the issue may not be only in Caxton, but is in the cooperation between Storefront Pro and Caxton, and maybe with the theme, which is Storefront, latest version.