pop-os / cosmic-epoch

Next generation Cosmic desktop environment
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Cosmic toolbar/GUI controls not working?? #106

Closed esteelpaz closed 1 year ago

esteelpaz commented 1 year ago


I added Cosmic DE to my jammy Pop_OS system a couple months ago on my '20 Sys76 Gazelle . . . logged into it, thought it was like Openbox where right clicking provides the menus, but . . . nope. Eventually figured out to use the super key to get stuff going . . . and then didn't check back on it, until today.

Logged into the exciting desktop background image . . . clicking around on stuff, like the master menu items did not do anything?? I can see the choice for "Integrated" graphics is showing, volume control, and power applets are showing, but clicking on them does nothing . . . right clicking on them, also does nothing.

When I used super b to open the browser the number 2 showed up upper left, but clicking on what I assumed would be "desktops" . . . nothing happens. When I clicked on the date and time applet, or right-clicked I saw the command, "sudo apt install happiness" ??? which is amusing . . . . I didn't run the command. : - (

I used super t to get to a terminal window . . . forgot about "exit" which I was trying to just log out to log in manager to get back to Pop; had to sudo reboot to get there. I don't recall having to do that previously to get out of Cosmic.

I messed with Pop on Wayland, but there also seems to be issues there, sticking to Pop for the most part--didn't check it today. I was hoping that Pop would at least upgrade to kinetic . . . but one of the techs that responds to issues said, "It's all going into Cosmic these days . . . ." I have a mantic edition of Lubuntu on another machine . . . jammy is getting "old," but Cosmic still seems to be "pre-Alpha"????

Is it the system being buggy or is it "pilot error" that is at work on the toolbar applet dysfunction that I am experiencing???

jokeyrhyme commented 1 year ago

https://github.com/pop-os/cosmic-epoch/blob/master/README.md :

Currently an incomplete pre-alpha.

You can use Super+Slash to get a launcher where you can search for things like "log out" and "reboot"

But yes, it's incomplete, and we're not supposed to expect everything on the screen to be functional just yet :people_hugging:

Drakulix commented 1 year ago

There is a couple of issues and misconceptions at play here, that you are likely experiencing:

  1. There is currently a bug, that causes the applets to break on nvidia-based systems. Which is why non of them show anything for you.
  2. There are still a bunch of missing things for a better out of the box experience, like a workspaces overview or an "application" button. The number "2" does already move you to a separate workspace, if you have nothing open, you will not see any changes though. (This pre-alpha is also lacking some "animation" for switching workspaces.) But generally a lot more stuff is functional, if you know where to look. But currently a lot of stuff has to be configured manually by editing config files, because it isn't meant for end-users yet. Building a complete new desktop takes time.
  3. There is also a way to log out with the power-applet, which doesn't work for you because of 1. Additionally you can configure a key binding for that, if you know where, because 2.
  4. We have a lot of frequently updated packages, that are way more up to date than our base jammy (which is otherwise still very well supported for security updates). So you are not really missing out on a lot of stuff, just because pop is currently still on jammy.

So yes this is still not ready (otherwise we would have communicated that on various platforms) and we certainly do expect some "growing pains" introducing the new desktop. But I kindly ask you to be patient and give the desktop a chance once we consider it ready for general public. We are developing it in the open, this is what this process - not the final product - looks like, so any judgement on the visible functionality is misplaced, while we are still working on more foundational elements. And also please refrain from opening issues like these addressing a wide range of woefully different problems. It is impossible to have a focused discussion on any of this, that way. So I am closing this for now.

esteelpaz commented 1 year ago

No worries. I guess I just took my time to report what you already knew . . . but, thanks kindly for the super / tip. I do have other stuff to do . . . . Sys76 has been posting about cosmic for many months if not a year on IG, seems that was a bit early???

leviport commented 1 year ago

Sys76 has been posting about cosmic for many months if not a year on IG, seems that was a bit early???

Not sure what you mean. Our posts talk about the development process, and there have not yet been announcements about it being ready for alpha testing. Since the project is open source, users are free to install it early, but we can make no guarantees about the stability of Cosmic DE while it is still under such heavy development.

esteelpaz commented 1 year ago

It doesn't seem like my problem(s) with cosmic can be resolved right now, due to problem number 1. Is there a bug report on the nvidia issue where I could add an "this affects me too" for enhanced weight on the problem????

Don't have time to look at the history of the cosmic announcement posts, but the implication was that "cosmic exists" and that has been for "awhile." The tech who linked me to the data for installing it did say, "It's buggy" but he didn't say, "It's not even ready for alpha testing." What is the estimated timeline for Cosmic DE to be "alpha" ???

leviport commented 1 year ago

I'm sorry we gave you an incorrect impression, that was certainly not the intention. The bug you mentioned is known, so there is no need to report it again. There is no timeline at this time for an alpha. It will be announced once we are closer to an MVP.

esteelpaz commented 1 year ago


Not really a problem, I'm just a multi-boot type of guy, running a few rolling edition and stepping into Lubuntu editions as soon as the repos have something to install . . . . Pop is running fine . . . jammy is just getting to be . . . "old." But Cosmic seems to be NRfPT . . . .

On the bug report . . . my question was for adding my name to the "this bug affects me" list . . . as nvidia does make a nice product, but they don't seem to stay up with developments in linux . . . not on filing another bug report. But, no worries on that either.

Guess I'll check back to Cosmic in a few months or later in the year . . . .