pop-os / cosmic-epoch

Next generation Cosmic desktop environment
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Feature Request: Implementation of i3-like Scratchpad Workspace Functionality #121

Open JoelMon opened 1 year ago

JoelMon commented 1 year ago

Hello everyone,

I'd like to suggest a feature that could enhance the utility and versatility of the CSOMIC desktop environment, the incorporation of a scratchpad workspace functionality similar to the one found in the i3 window manager. The idea comes from @lcohenq https://github.com/pop-os/shell/issues/624

Problem: Working from home has become increasingly common and often requires concurrently managing multiple tasks. Additionally, when working with a limited number of screens, the screen real estate becomes valuable.

Proposed Solution: Incorporating a scratchpad functionality akin to the one in i3 into CSOMIC could prove extremely beneficial to users in managing these challenges effectively.


  1. Task Segmentation: A scratchpad allows users to handle unforeseen tasks without disrupting their primary workflow. For instance, users can quickly switch to a text editor on the scratchpad, jot down new ideas, and then revert back to their main workspace. This could help users manage and organize tasks more effectively.

  2. Space Optimization: A scratchpad would also be instrumental in optimizing screen space. It can temporarily hide less frequently used applications until they are needed, maintaining a cleaner, less cluttered workspace. For example, users might keep their email client or a calendar app in the scratchpad, only bringing it into view when necessary.

  3. Reducing Distractions: A scratchpad can help minimize distractions. By "hiding" apps that aren't immediately needed, users can reduce the temptation to frequently check certain apps. For instance, users could hide their social media or news apps during work hours but quickly bring them back into view during breaks.

The addition of an i3-like scratchpad workspace functionality to the CSOMIC desktop environment would enhance its appeal to a wider user base and bolster its usability.

JacobKochems commented 5 months ago

I second this request. Currently, I use tdrop as a dropdown terminal, always ready to be brought to focus via a global hotkey. Although tdrop can work with XWayland I would prefer not to be reliant on this particular combination.

JacobKochems commented 5 months ago

In case that a dedicated new feature is out of scope, a similar functionality could be achieved by introducing the following behavior to workspaces:

  1. Each workspace 1 to n can be navigated to directly via a dedicated shortcut or key chord (like e.g.: super+<number>)
  2. Hitting the same shortcut again (while on that particular workspace) navigates back to the previously focused one

If COSMIC allows to define multiple shortcuts for each mappable action, the users could define alias shortcuts for any number of workspaces of their choice. The difference of this solution is that the "scratchpad" would not be a floating window above the current workspace and not a separate thing conceptually. While I think this would have merit independently of its use as a scratchpad substitute I would prefer the scratchpad feature to be its own thing since it would give us yet another dimension of organization.

namefailed commented 5 months ago

+1 I use tdrop to achieve these results with any apps that I require a "scratchpad" experience, but It would be great not to have to use/configure it.

wiiznokes commented 4 months ago

I would love to see this implemented has a drawer that could comes from the four edge of the screen. This could be improved with a way to "pull" the window with the mouse. I used to use ddterm, but be able to use any apps would be awesome!

jon011235 commented 1 month ago

This feature would be incredibly helpful!

I am currently using sway which also has the scratchpad and i am thinking about switching to pop shell due to all the features provided through Gnome/COSMIC but this is essential for me. For instance it normally contains my password manager and with one keybinding i have it present whereever i need it (floating)