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Desktops need to be global and not per schreen #231

Open NicTanghe opened 3 months ago

NicTanghe commented 3 months ago

Desktops should be global and not per schreen. At the verry least as an option.

This does not mean that 2 screens have 1 desktop this means you have desktop 1,2,3,4

you can asighn anny of these 4 to anny screen.

for instance i open FF on desktop 1 on schreen 1.

I then decide to swap desktops on my screen so desktop 1 goos to screen 2 and desktop 2 goes to sceen 1 putting firefor on my other monitor.

jokeyrhyme commented 3 months ago

I think this is sort of how sway works, in that there's a single set of workspaces, but each workspace can be assigned to any output

Drakulix commented 3 months ago

Will not be the default and not be included in alpha 1, but likely going to be added later.

joshgantt commented 2 months ago

If I'm reading this issue right, it's not just how sway handles it, but how all tiling window managers do. It's a powerful feature as it gives you the ability to move a desktop to any monitor (tiling WMs generally call them workspaces) then directly switch to any given desktop (regardless of what monitor you've placed it on), have it pulled up, and give it focus. Coupling this with associations specifying specific desktops for certain applications, you have effectively a global addressing system for directly switching to any application (no alt-tabbing through big lists of open windows or checking multiple desktops on each monitor to try and find firefox).

Example workflow:

This is a simplistic example, but it gets far more impressive with more workspaces and monitors (I use 6 consistent workspaces and ~2 swing ones for random stuff outside my normal workflow and 3 monitors, and have seen much crazier)- rapidly alt-tabbing through a list of all open windows or flipping through desktops on multiple monitors because I'm in my IDE and my name comes up on zoom which is hidden somewhere is not ideal, while setting an association where zoom is always assigned to workspace 8 gives me a single, absolute (as opposed to relative) hotkey that finds it, pulls it forward, and gives it focus.

Based on my experience and everyone I know who uses a tiling WM daily, this is actually a bigger productivity increase than the tiling itself, and I'm confident there's a userbase who would value a full DE experience that brings it along (instead of building the tiling WM setup piece by piece- there's plenty of pride to be had in the customization there, but I don't have the time and patience I once did :rofl:).

Drakulix commented 2 months ago

Migrating workspaces between screens is available already, the action is by default just not bound to any key-binding. (It is also technically not really necessary, as you can just focus the whole group and move the contents of the workspace at once.)