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Setting prefix doesn't seem to work? #261

Closed joostruis closed 2 months ago

joostruis commented 2 months ago


I am trying to build this against Gentoo stable tree and I got everything compiled. However it seems that everything gets installed in /usr/local. So I tried to change the prefix, and noticed arch used a patch that changes the justfile. After trying to apply that I noticed everything still got installed in /usr/local causing things not to work.

Any advice on this?


mmstick commented 2 months ago

Variables are sensitive to command line argument positioning. The prefix is set before the recipe name.

sudo just prefix=/usr install
joostruis commented 2 months ago

Thanks! Giving that a shot. Need to recompile everything due to our workflow but that is no issue, we have the infra for it. I'll report back!

joostruis commented 2 months ago

Trying that actually gets me back to the initial problem I got it seems:

INFO error: Variable prefix overridden on the command line but not present in justfile

mmstick commented 2 months ago

I see that you're trying to apply that argument to the justfile in this repository. The justfile here doesn't have a root level variable for setting the prefix. See the install recipe here. The install recipe takes two arguments. The second argument is the prefix. You should be running sudo just install "" "/usr" here.

joostruis commented 2 months ago

After trying the patch from Arch again, and this time apply it for the 100%, it now works as expected. (Thank you Arch people!)

Trying to set or change the prefix directly from the command-line never worked for me no matter what I tried.

Thanks for the help though! Very much appreciated!