pop-os / cosmic-epoch

Next generation Cosmic desktop environment
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Make windows titles optional #275

Open TS-CUBED opened 2 months ago

TS-CUBED commented 2 months ago

I use some apps which are meant to not have windows titles, but the Cosmic compositor seems to force them.

One of these is Emacs, which should basically look like it's running in a terminal, but looks like this:


(Edit: Oops, looks like the screenshot tool doesn't like rotated screens. Will open another issue on that one.)

I am running the pgtk version of Emacs 29.3, so it should be Wayland only. But it also is the same issue on the X-version.

Will this be a feature in the final version (disable windows titles)?

Drakulix commented 2 months ago

Cosmic isn't forcing window titles. It just adds them if the application prefers server-side decorations (as given for wayland-clients via the xdg-decorations protocol) or for Xwayland clients, if the application doesn't use the MOTIF_WM_HINTS to to specify, that it does client-side decorations.

lukejcollins commented 3 weeks ago

Being able to get rid of window titles is definitely an essential feature for me - I don't find any use for them at all; they're just taking up screen real estate.

mmstick commented 3 weeks ago

We could have a field for disabling window titles in the CosmicCompConfig. Then either a toggle added to the tiling applet and/or cosmic-settings. I also prefer disabling CSD window headers.