pop-os / cosmic-epoch

Next generation Cosmic desktop environment
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when having steam on the second monitor, games like to launch on that monitor, instead of launching on the main monitor #300

Open polluxau opened 3 weeks ago

polluxau commented 3 weeks ago

running latest aur build of cosmic-epoch-git

i like to have steam on my second monitor, when i launch a game like cs2 or overwatch 2 etc, it will launch on that monitor instead of launching on the main monitor, so to fix this i need to have steam on the main monitor, but if i launch a game with steam on that main monitor then i can't use steam as its underneath the game, and so i have to close the game to access steam as i'm guessing there isn't a implementation for tabbing out yet, one other solution would be to have steam on a different workspace, but i feel like that's just a hotfix, as on gnome pop os i can tab out of games properly.

everything else is awesome, keep up the amazing work :)

Drakulix commented 3 weeks ago

cosmic-comp doesn't have a "main monitor". So apps always launch on the currently focused one. As a workaround (tabbing out is definitely on our radar), you could start the game and immediately switch focus to the other output.