pop-os / cosmic-epoch

Next generation Cosmic desktop environment
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Sticky windows won't be tiled #302

Open onlyreportingissues opened 1 month ago

onlyreportingissues commented 1 month ago

Sticky windows are excluded by tiling. Maybe an option could be added to include / exclude it from being tiled.

Drakulix commented 1 month ago

If you mean tiling mode as toggled by the applet, that is by design.

If you mean, that you can't drag sticky windows to the output border to resize them, then that is an oversight on our part. That should totally work, thanks for bringing this to my attention.

wramalho commented 1 month ago

Could you kindly clarify the reasoning behind this design decision?

I ask because of my use case: I would like my note taking app to remain tiled at the left side of my monitors in all workspaces (I do have a big external display). However, if it is floating above the regular tiled windows, it would not be useful. Is COSMIC going to have features to enable this workflow?

Really excited about the project. Best wishes,

Drakulix commented 1 month ago

The design decision is based on the fact, that you can't easily merge the trees in a sensible way for more complex tiled layouts, because obviously switching to a new workspace, that might have tiled windows already. So it isn't obvious how this feature would work or how to communicate to users which layouts can be made sticky and which don't.

Sticky windows as a design concept are meant to always stay on top.