pop-os / cosmic-epoch

Next generation Cosmic desktop environment
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[Suggestion] Option to select keyboard shortcuts layouts of other desktop environments (e.g. GNOME, KDE) #316

Open onlyreportingissues opened 3 weeks ago

onlyreportingissues commented 3 weeks ago

Would be cool, since it would allow users of other desktop environments to jump right in and use they keyboard shortcuts they are familiar with already.

For functions that differ from the other DE but are similar to it, the same keyboard shortcut could be used.

In the case that some keyboard shortcuts of other desktop environments collide with shortcuts that cover COSMIC exclusive functions, alternate shortcuts (that aren't used in other desktop environments) could be added for the affected functions also.

GNOME keyboard shortcuts: https://help.gnome.org/users/gnome-help/stable/shell-keyboard-shortcuts.html.en KDE keyboard shortcuts: https://docs.kde.org/stable5/en/khelpcenter/fundamentals/kbd.html