pop-os / cosmic-epoch

Next generation Cosmic desktop environment
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[Bug] Cosmic Session does a weird flicker that only hets fixed by a tty switch #321

Open CosmicFusion opened 2 weeks ago

CosmicFusion commented 2 weeks ago

When using cosmic in PopOS

The desktop works for a few minutes then it suddenly gets stuck on this graphical issue


GPU: Intel Iris Rpl i9-13900H Resolution: 1920x1200@120hz (16:10 high refresh rate)

CosmicFusion commented 2 weeks ago

Switching from and back to tty unbricks it for another few minutes, then the same thing happens

elevenhsoft commented 2 weeks ago

Same issue: https://github.com/pop-os/cosmic-epoch/issues/262

elevenhsoft commented 2 weeks ago

You too have "uncommon" resolution. I'm experiencing it on 3000x2000 with 60Hz. I'm just guessing but for me it's something with not proper handling different resolution. But it's just a poor shot.

The big problem is, we don't have anything in log when this happening. I guess, it will be hard to fix, but I believe COSMIC dev know what they are doing and we will get it fixed soon :)

Just jumped from laptop to my PC. Single monitor 1920x1080, 75Hz and it's rock solid.

GPU: Intel Iris Rpl i9-13900H

or maybe it's gpu related?

CosmicFusion commented 2 weeks ago

You too have "uncommon" resolution. I'm experiencing it on 3000x2000 with 60Hz. I'm just guessing but for me it's something with not proper handling different resolution. But it's just a poor shot.

The big problem is, we don't have anything in log when this happening. I guess, it will be hard to fix, but I believe COSMIC dev know what they are doing and we will get it fixed soon :)

Just jumped from laptop to my PC. Single monitor 1920x1080, 75Hz and it's rock solid.

GPU: Intel Iris Rpl i9-13900H

or maybe it's gpu related?

Not GPU related

I MUXed my nvidia 4060 to the 1920x1200

Display same issue

And cosmic offers no other display modes on both gpus only
