pop-os / cosmic-epoch

Next generation Cosmic desktop environment
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[Feature Request] Persistant Workspaces/Workspace Customization #908

Open irldoggo opened 1 month ago

irldoggo commented 1 month ago

I am not sure if this is already a planned feature or not, (Or maybe I can already do this and I am just unaware.) but I would love the ability to "activate" any workspace I choose and assign certain applications to reside there. Most tiling window managers allow for you to specify how many persistent workspaces you always have active. In Hyprland or Sway I usually have 10 active by default, with specific apps assigned to each, and when I start an application it will jump to that workspace and launch from there. Looking through the control panel this does not seem to be a thing.

For example I usually have my Terminal set to workspace 10, my browser set to 4, etc. However, with Cosmic if I hit Ctrl-0 in an attempt to swap to the currently not created WS 10, and spawn a terminal with nothing else open, it is actually workspace 2. This is pretty much my only missed feature. Everything else has been fantastic so far, very excited to see where things go from here.


nevdelap commented 1 week ago

I have about 7 workspaces typically, across two monitors, with specific things assigned to them, work and personal, so that everything is always where I expect it to be on whatever machine I am on. If I could have those fixed ones, and have dynamic ones tacking on the end too, it would be great. On i3 I just had (at home) and have (at work) 12 workspaces, most of them on my primary screen, and two of them on my secondary screen where 7 of them have specific things, and the others are for random extra short lived things, and I use i3 rules to automatically open things on the right workspaces.

Related to this is pop-os/cosmic-workspaces-epoch#94 which is about being able to switch to a workspace with a shortcut key without having to switch monitors first.

In i3, I have them named as 一、二、三、四... Not that it is super import, but it is nice to be able to name them.