pop-os / cosmic-epoch

Next generation Cosmic desktop environment
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can this desktop work without systemd ? #91

Open adcdam opened 1 year ago

adcdam commented 1 year ago

Can be build using cargo? i would really like to package this. Can the desktop be build using cargo and not using just?

Drakulix commented 1 year ago

Can the desktop be build using cargo and not using just?

Just is essentially just calling cargo. You can use the Justfile as a reference for building it manually.

can this desktop work without systemd ?

It should be! But it might require systemd-development files during building for the optional features anyway. Note however that systemd-less systems have not received the same amount of testing and some bugfixes might be necessary. That said systemd is definitely not a hard dependency.

adcdam commented 1 year ago

i build to test fist using just

when i launch it say systemctl order not found
cannot open display "default display"
error : failed to connect to journald
no such file or directory (os error 2)

i saw source main.rs of cosmic session there is systemd mod here https://github.com/pop-os/cosmic-session/blob/master/src/main.rs

can this work with elogind? can someone do a just file that get the desktop work without systemd?

adcdam commented 1 year ago

i have this: usr: bin lib libexec share

usr/bin: cosmic-app-library cosmic-applet-notifications cosmic-osd cosmic-app-list cosmic-applet-power cosmic-panel cosmic-applet-audio cosmic-applet-time cosmic-session cosmic-applet-battery cosmic-applet-workspaces cosmic-settings cosmic-applet-bluetooth cosmic-bg cosmic-settings-daemon cosmic-applet-graphics cosmic-comp cosmic-workspaces cosmic-applet-network cosmic-launcher start-cosmic

usr/lib: extension-release.d

usr/lib/extension-release.d: extension-release.cosmic-sysext

usr/libexec: xdg-desktop-portal-cosmic

usr/share: applications cosmic dbus-1 icons metainfo wayland-sessions xdg-desktop-portal

usr/share/applications: com.system76.CosmicAppLibrary.desktop com.system76.CosmicAppList.desktop com.system76.CosmicAppletAudio.desktop com.system76.CosmicAppletBattery.desktop com.system76.CosmicAppletBluetooth.desktop com.system76.CosmicAppletGraphics.desktop com.system76.CosmicAppletNetwork.desktop com.system76.CosmicAppletNotifications.desktop com.system76.CosmicAppletPower.desktop com.system76.CosmicAppletTime.desktop com.system76.CosmicAppletWorkspaces.desktop com.system76.CosmicBackground.desktop com.system76.CosmicLauncher.desktop com.system76.CosmicSettings.desktop

usr/share/cosmic: com.system76.CosmicBackground

usr/share/cosmic/com.system76.CosmicBackground: v1

usr/share/cosmic/com.system76.CosmicBackground/v1: all backgrounds

usr/share/dbus-1: services

usr/share/dbus-1/services: org.freedesktop.impl.portal.desktop.cosmic.service

usr/share/icons: hicolor

usr/share/icons/hicolor: scalable symbolic

usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable: apps

usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps: com.system76.CosmicAppLibrary.svg com.system76.CosmicAppletNotifications.svg com.system76.CosmicAppList.svg com.system76.CosmicAppletPower.svg com.system76.CosmicAppletAudio.svg com.system76.CosmicAppletTime.svg com.system76.CosmicAppletBattery.svg com.system76.CosmicAppletWorkspaces.svg com.system76.CosmicAppletBluetooth.svg com.system76.CosmicBackground.svg com.system76.CosmicAppletGraphics.svg com.system76.CosmicLauncher.svg com.system76.CosmicAppletNetwork.svg

usr/share/icons/hicolor/symbolic: apps

usr/share/icons/hicolor/symbolic/apps: com.system76.CosmicAppLibrary-symbolic.svg com.system76.CosmicLauncher-symbolic.svg com.system76.CosmicBackground-symbolic.svg

usr/share/metainfo: com.system76.CosmicAppLibrary.metainfo.xml com.system76.CosmicLauncher.metainfo.xml com.system76.CosmicBackground.metainfo.xml

usr/share/wayland-sessions: cosmic.desktop

usr/share/xdg-desktop-portal: portals

usr/share/xdg-desktop-portal/portals: cosmic.portal

ids1024 commented 1 year ago

Cosmic-comp should work without systemd if compiled with --no-default-features: https://github.com/pop-os/cosmic-comp/pull/81

There probably is a better solution in the long term. I added that to get cosmic-comp working on FreeBSD.

Quackdoc commented 1 year ago

Can the desktop be build using cargo and not using just?

I don't think any of the pkgbuilds im using have just, note they haven't been clean chroot tested, so im not sure if im missing any deps (I probably am) https://github.com/Quackdoc/pkgbuild-scripts/tree/Master/cosmic-epoch

tukanoidd commented 1 year ago

Am wondering this as well. Using Void with runit and elogind.

flukejones commented 10 months ago

It requires something to provide the logind dbus interface, and something to provide udev libs. From what I can see there are no hard systemd requirements.

jokeyrhyme commented 5 months ago

I personally prefer systemd to the alternatives, but I have raised a few PRs to help make systemd optional in COSMIC:

JimitSoni18 commented 3 weeks ago

Am wondering this as well. Using Void with runit and seatd.

Quackdoc commented 3 weeks ago

it should work, I had it working in a chroot. the major thing should just be udev stuff. I don't think cosmic-session hard relies on anything systemd now.