Describe the problem:
Changing certain Pop-specific colors and then building the theme from source does not yield good results for a gnome-shell theme. When I build the new theme (with some changed colors), the resulting gtk theme is good (it follows the changed colors), but the gnome-shell theme breaks after changing it to the light or dark variant. It breaks in a way that it fallbacks to the default Pop theme (variant) with default Pop-specific colors, while changed gtk theme does not fallback.
Steps to reproduce:
Change some colors in gtk-theme/gnome-shell/src/gnome-shell-sass/_pop_os_colors.scss or other relevant file.
Build the theme with the given instructions
Gnome theme is applied without any errors, however upon switching to either light or dark variant it fallbacks to the Pop default gnome-shell theme.
Pop version:
Installed: 5.2.0~1588203971~20.04~d94d9ec
error: org.gtk.Gtk3theme.Pop/unspecified/unspecified not installed
Edit_1: I just want to point out that this exact process always ended successfully in <=19.10 versions.
Edit_2: I believe that the linked problem on reddit is the same as the one I have.
Edit_3: I found a possible duplicate.
Describe the problem: Changing certain Pop-specific colors and then building the theme from source does not yield good results for a gnome-shell theme. When I build the new theme (with some changed colors), the resulting gtk theme is good (it follows the changed colors), but the gnome-shell theme breaks after changing it to the light or dark variant. It breaks in a way that it fallbacks to the default Pop theme (variant) with default Pop-specific colors, while changed gtk theme does not fallback.
Steps to reproduce:
or other relevant file.Distribution: PRETTY_NAME="Pop!_OS 20.04 LTS"
Pop version: Installed: 5.2.0~1588203971~20.04~d94d9ec error: org.gtk.Gtk3theme.Pop/unspecified/unspecified not installed
Edit_1: I just want to point out that this exact process always ended successfully in <=19.10 versions. Edit_2: I believe that the linked problem on reddit is the same as the one I have. Edit_3: I found a possible duplicate.