Describe the problem:
The freedesktop sound theme file for "alarm-clock-elapsed" is played when evolution-alarm-notify triggers for an event. Unfortunately, this file is rather obnoxious. At the very least, could we symlink bell.oga to alarm-clock-elapsed?
Steps to reproduce:
1.canberra-gtk-play -i alarm-clock-elapsed
Pop version:
apt policy pop-gtk-theme | grep -i installed
WARNING: apt does not have a stable CLI interface. Use with caution in scripts.
Installed: 5.2.0~1599689740~20.04~11b9d22
Pop Gtk theme - Pop Gtk theme used by System76
ID: org.gtk.Gtk3theme.Pop
Ref: runtime/org.gtk.Gtk3theme.Pop/x86_64/3.22
Arch: x86_64
Branch: 3.22
Origin: flathub
Collection: org.flathub.Stable
Installation: user
Installed: 1.6 MB
Commit: bf0014cc176fe2a66eb69045bc3ed80663e09240dda1db97b5394ba3a501bea3
Parent: 6154d9636034f0866dc7a2a08815931c641298ccfe1f5dd180875f4a4cb20f03
Subject: Fix build issue (9d2c3d49)
Date: 2019-10-22 21:52:03 +0000
Describe the problem: The freedesktop sound theme file for "alarm-clock-elapsed" is played when evolution-alarm-notify triggers for an event. Unfortunately, this file is rather obnoxious. At the very least, could we symlink
Steps to reproduce: 1.
canberra-gtk-play -i alarm-clock-elapsed
Distribution: PRETTY_NAME="Pop!_OS 20.04 LTS"
Pop version: