pop-os / gtk-theme

System76 Pop GTK+ Theme
GNU General Public License v3.0
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HdyAvatars are blank (at least in Flatpak applications) with pop theme #501

Open ssweeny opened 3 years ago

ssweeny commented 3 years ago

Describe the problem:

I'm honestly not sure if this is a theme bug or a libhandy bug, but at least on Flatpak applications every instance of HdyAvatar shows a blank circle or initials. If I switch to the Adwaita theme the avatars show as expected. See for example the Fractal chat client below:

Screenshot from 2021-02-27 23-17-41

I've also reproduced this in the Tootle Mastodon client. . Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open an application which uses the HdyAvatar class while the light or dark Pop! theme is enabled

Distribution: Pop!_OS 20.10

Pop version: Host: 5.3.3~1611615513~20.10~5ab6f1e Flatpak:

Pop Gtk theme - Pop Gtk theme used by System76

          ID: org.gtk.Gtk3theme.Pop-dark
         Ref: runtime/org.gtk.Gtk3theme.Pop-dark/x86_64/3.22
        Arch: x86_64
      Branch: 3.22
      Origin: flathub
  Collection: org.flathub.Stable
Installation: system
   Installed: 1.1 MB

      Commit: cb13fccb1a397f172bbfa27e7f9b6e1b4d16b5a316768f67f3ba178e14f1ad6a
      Parent: 01db4ce9aee609219f7c47db545f445cdaa0bb9a4c6088ca3b09e9cd1e747227
     Subject: add flathub.json (6f5d1226)
        Date: 2020-11-17 21:02:13 +0000
bflanagin commented 3 years ago

Strange, I'm not seeing it here. Screenshot from 2021-03-01 06-49-18

At face value our setups are the same. So lets not rule out firewalls or other issues between you and the image servers. Also, If you could provide your installed apps (both debs and flatpaks) I'll fire up a VM and see if some combination of libraries and applications is causing the issue. I know that flatpak's are supposed to be sandboxed, but its worth a shot given the inconsistency between our two machines.

ssweeny commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the response! First I want to clarify that I'm using the nightly version of Fractal as the stable release doesn't have the HdyAvatar switch yet.

That said, here's the list of flatpaks I have installed:

Name                                                        Application ID                                                  Version                   Branch             Origin                    Installation
Dconf Editor                                                ca.desrt.dconf-editor                                           3.36.0                    stable             flathub                   system
Authenticator                                               com.belmoussaoui.Authenticator                                  4.0.2                     stable             flathub                   system
Discord                                                     com.discordapp.Discord                                          0.0.13                    stable             flathub                   system
Tootle                                                      com.github.bleakgrey.tootle                                     1.0.0                     stable             flathub                   system
Foliate                                                     com.github.johnfactotum.Foliate                                 2.5.0                     stable             flathub                   system
Drawing                                                     com.github.maoschanz.drawing                                    0.6.5                     stable             flathub                   system
Flatseal                                                    com.github.tchx84.Flatseal                                      1.6.8                     stable             flathub                   system
NewsFlash                                                   com.gitlab.newsflash                                            1.3.0                     stable             flathub                   system
GtkStressTesting                                            com.leinardi.gst                                                0.7.4                     stable             flathub                   system
Shortwave                                                   de.haeckerfelix.Shortwave                                       1.1.1                     stable             flathub                   system
Health                                                      dev.Cogitri.Health                                              0.91.0                    stable             flathub                   system
Element                                                     im.riot.Riot                                                    1.7.21                    stable             flathub                   system
Chromium Web Browser                                        org.chromium.Chromium                                           88.0.4324.182             stable             flathub                   system
Codecs                                                      org.chromium.Chromium.Codecs                                                              stable             flathub                   system
Locale                                                      org.chromium.Chromium.Locale                                                              stable             flathub                   user
darktable                                                   org.darktable.Darktable                                         3.4.1                     stable             flathub                   system
Freedesktop Platform                                        org.freedesktop.Platform                                        20.08.5                   20.08              flathub                   system
default                                                     org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default                                                       19.08              flathub                   system
default                                                     org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default                                                       20.08              flathub                   system
default                                                     org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default                                                       20.08              gnome-nightly             user
nvidia-460-39                                               org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.nvidia-460-39                                                 1.4                flathub                   system
ffmpeg-full                                                 org.freedesktop.Platform.ffmpeg-full                                                      20.08              flathub                   system
openh264                                                    org.freedesktop.Platform.openh264                               2.1.0                     2.0                flathub                   system
openh264                                                    org.freedesktop.Platform.openh264                               2.1.0                     2.0                gnome-nightly             user
Rust stable                                                 org.freedesktop.Sdk.Extension.rust-stable                       1.50.0                    20.08              flathub                   user
Gajim                                                       org.gajim.Gajim                                                 1.3.0                     stable             flathub                   system
Glimpse                                                     org.glimpse_editor.Glimpse                                      0.2.0                     stable             flathub                   system
Books                                                       org.gnome.Books                                                 3.34.0                    stable             flathub                   system
Builder                                                     org.gnome.Builder                                               3.38.2                    stable             flathub                   system
Fractal                                                     org.gnome.Fractal                                               4.4                       stable             flathub                   system
Fractal                                                     org.gnome.FractalDevel                                          4.4                       master             gnome-nightly             user
Getting Things GNOME!                                       org.gnome.GTG                                                   0.4                       stable             flathub                   system
Games                                                       org.gnome.Games                                                 3.37.90                   stable             flathub                   system
PicoDrive                                                   org.gnome.Games.LibretroPlugin.PicoDrive                                                  stable             flathub                   system
Geary                                                       org.gnome.Geary                                                 3.38.2                    stable             flathub                   system
Password Safe                                               org.gnome.PasswordSafe                                          5.0                       stable             flathub                   system
GNOME Application Platform version 3.36                     org.gnome.Platform                                                                        3.36               flathub                   system
GNOME Application Platform version 3.38                     org.gnome.Platform                                                                        3.38               flathub                   system
GNOME Application Platform version Nightly                  org.gnome.Platform                                                                        master             gnome-nightly             user
Recipes                                                     org.gnome.Recipes                                               2.0.2                     stable             flathub                   system
GNOME Software Development Kit version 3.38                 org.gnome.Sdk                                                                             3.38               flathub                   system
GNOME Software Development Kit version Nightly              org.gnome.Sdk                                                                             master             gnome-nightly             user
Apostrophe                                                  org.gnome.gitlab.somas.Apostrophe                                        stable             flathub                   system
TexLive Plugin                                              org.gnome.gitlab.somas.Apostrophe.Plugin.TexLive                                          stable             flathub                   system
Adwaita dark GTK theme                                      org.gtk.Gtk3theme.Adwaita-dark                                                            3.22               flathub                   system
Pop Gtk theme                                               org.gtk.Gtk3theme.Pop                                                                     3.22               flathub                   system
Pop Gtk theme                                               org.gtk.Gtk3theme.Pop-dark                                                                3.22               flathub                   system
KDE Application Platform                                    org.kde.Platform                                                                          5.15               flathub                   system
QGnomePlatform                                              org.kde.PlatformTheme.QGnomePlatform                                                      5.15               flathub                   system
QtSNI                                                       org.kde.PlatformTheme.QtSNI                                                               5.15               flathub                   system
QGnomePlatform-decoration                                   org.kde.WaylandDecoration.QGnomePlatform-decoration                                       5.15               flathub                   system
KeePassXC                                                   org.keepassxc.KeePassXC                                         2.6.4                     stable             flathub                   system
Cawbird                                                     uk.co.ibboard.cawbird                                           1.3.2                     stable             flathub                   system

You'll notice that org.gnome.FractalDevel and supporting nightly libraries are in the user installation.

Here are the debian packages I have installed: apt_installs.txt