pop-os / gtk-theme

System76 Pop GTK+ Theme
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Added ability to set a background image in gdm. #519

Closed bflanagin closed 2 years ago

bflanagin commented 3 years ago

Adds ability to set the background to an image stored as or linked to /etc/gdm3/gdm-background Removes gnomeshell_use_gresource check from meson_build to ensure that the resource file (needed by GDM3) is created.

This PR doesn't include a gdm-background image.

bflanagin commented 3 years ago

These are the images I used to test the feature.

In order to use the images copy the file you want to /etc/gdm3 (or anywhere you want really) and symlink or rename the file gdm-background.

GDM3_background gdm_background1

isantop commented 3 years ago

I'm not entirely convinced there's a lot of utility in allowing a background image to be set, particularly if we don't set one presently. One of the reasons we initially removed the GDM background image (with the "canvas" texture) and went for a solid color was to minimize the screen transition going from the boot screen/encryption password to GDM, and setting a background image harms that slightly.

The ability to customize the machine is a nice add-on, but with something as small/ephemeral as the login screen (especially given the relatively unintuitively specific, undocumented process for changing it) I'm not sure how well this lends itself to that aspect of customization. There's also the problem that a lot of the login screen lacks a lot of background protection built-in by the theme (because it assumes it will be presented against the fixed, constant background color). I know that aspects of machine customization kind of fall under the "here be dragons" domain, but I don't know if it sets a good UX precedent to support changing the background without some kind of background protection; conversely I don't know that we want to modify the current design from where it's at, as it's present quite clean and intuitive to use.

Just my thoughts on this though; discussion about this is certainly welcome.

bflanagin commented 3 years ago

Fair points, I was unaware (could have asked) that it was a design choice to not have some sort of branding on the login screen. My assumption was that it had something to do with wanting to be "close to upstream" and the default GDM screen is just ugly by default. That's not to say that the gray isn't attractive, I'm just not sure it fits the direction that COSMIC (icons,backgrounds,etc.) is taking us.

As far as it being small/ephemeral, I agree that there are more important things to work on, but those seemingly insignificant aspects of a system are what set the mood of the overall experience, and at the moment (for me anyway) I don't think the gray pulls people in as much as PoP!_OS deserves.

I concede that my original placement of the gdm-background symlink may not be the best place. Somewhere like /etc/pop-os/gdm3/ might make for a better location. It could still be edited by the end user of course, but something being out of sight is far less tempting,

Not a big deal either way, users can set the gdm background with gdm-tools and I can do the same.