Error on Lenovo Thinkpad E15 G2 model. The problem occurs due to incompatibility with the display and also the trackpoint.
Fb0: switching to amdgpufrom EFI VGA
Disabling the trackpoint trackpad and enabling boot to the secondary monitor resolves the issue. But if you reactivate after installation the problem returns. Here is a link to other users having the same problem in this kernel version.
Error on Lenovo Thinkpad E15 G2 model. The problem occurs due to incompatibility with the display and also the trackpoint.
Fb0: switching to amdgpufrom EFI VGA
Disabling the trackpoint trackpad and enabling boot to the secondary monitor resolves the issue. But if you reactivate after installation the problem returns. Here is a link to other users having the same problem in this kernel version.