pop-os / packaging-thunderbird

Debian packaging of Mozilla Thunderbird
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thunderbird-gnome-support is not installable #4

Closed rhanneken closed 1 month ago

rhanneken commented 1 month ago

I'm not sure I'm reporting this problem in the right place, but I'm unable to install the package thunderbird-gnome-support. When I enter sudo apt install thunderbird-gnome-support, I get this error message:

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
 thunderbird-gnome-support : Depends: thunderbird (= 1:115.13.0+build5-0ubuntu0.22.04.1) but 2:128.0.1esr~1722554880~22.04~68ae58a is to be installed
E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.

I'm using Pop!_OS 22.04 LTS.

jacobgkau commented 1 month ago

You're in the right place. We recently packaged Thunderbird for 24.04 because Ubuntu moved it to a snap. It looks like it got released on 22.04 in https://github.com/pop-os/repo-release/pull/354.

We need to decide whether we're going to also package a fork of thunderbird-gnome-support, or pull our packaging from 22.04. If it's the latter, we need to rename this repo's master branch to master_noble so it stops getting built for jammy.

@mmstick What do you think? Probably easier to rename the branch since we won't need the GNOME support package in 24.04, right? It looks like the GNOME support package doesn't even exist in Ubuntu anymore for 24.04, so we won't be taking anything away from 24.04 users who go out of their way to use GNOME.

jacobgkau commented 1 month ago

This could present a problem if downgrading from the released version causes an issue with Thunderbird's user data. We should test that before we pull our packaging from 22.04, now that it's been released.

jacobgkau commented 1 month ago

Looking at the gnome-support package, it seems to be built from the main Thunderbird source package, but it just depends on a few other packages to pull in libraries. It doesn't seem to contain any code, so it's basically a metapackage. Maybe it wouldn't be too bad to package, if rolling back doesn't turn out to be an option.

@rhanneken Can you tell us what functionality you get from this package? Does installing libmessaging-menu0 with sudo apt install libmessaging-menu0 get you the functionality back? That seems to be the only dependency that's not required by other Pop!_OS components.

rhanneken commented 1 month ago

I'm not sure what I'm missing without thunderbird-gnome-support, but when I try to compose a message, it looks like this:


rhanneken commented 1 month ago

Also, strangely, it seems like I can't add Thunderbird to the dock.

rhanneken commented 1 month ago

This could present a problem if downgrading from the released version causes an issue with Thunderbird's user data.

Yeah, I tried downgrading (sudo apt install thunderbird=…), but it refused to run because a newer version of Thunderbird had upgraded my user profile.

squalou commented 1 month ago

Hi, arrived here for a similar issue : with thunderbird 128 on pop 22.04, no icon is displayed in task bar. (and no, downgrading is not an option)

I mean : default app icon shows up instead, and there's no way to pin it. Thought about installing gnome-support package ... so here I am :)

Weird thing is that when launched, the app is reported as 'thunderbird-esr' whereas the binary, the icon and the wm-class name in .desktop file is referred to as 'thunderbird'.

On the other hand I did not see any other issue, maybe because I use a specific theme that could hide issues.

woeisme commented 1 month ago

Pop!_OS 22.04 LTS chiming in here, arrived at this report because I cannot run PopShop system upgrades due to:

The following packages have unmet dependencies: thunderbird-gnome-support: Depends: thunderbird (= 1:115.13.0+build5-0ubuntu0.22.04.1) but 2:128.0.1esr~1722554880~22.04~68ae58a is to be installed



How should I proceed?

woeisme commented 1 month ago

I'd ask why this is closed as completed?

I see the branch has been updated and merged but I'm still getting the same error, does it take some time to percolate out to the general updates repositories?

leviport commented 1 month ago

Updates will be released in the morning.

jacobgkau commented 1 month ago

thunderbird-gnome-support with a version matching the Thunderbird package is now available in the Pop!_OS release repo.

rhanneken commented 1 month ago

thunderbird-gnome-support with a version matching the Thunderbird package is now available in the Pop!_OS release repo.

Thanks, I appreciate the effort. Alas, my problems have not been solved, which makes me think the issue is with the thunderbird package. I can probably solve my look-and-feel issue myself, but there's still the problem of not being able to pin Thunderbird to the dock. Shall I create another GitHub issue?

jacobgkau commented 1 month ago

I see the pinning issue, looking into the cause.

jacobgkau commented 1 month ago

I also see the theme issue in light mode only.

rhanneken commented 1 month ago

Here's what I believe:

  1. The reason there's no option to pin Thunderbird to the dash is that GNOME can't find a .desktop file matching the running application.
  2. There actually is a /usr/share/applications/thunderbird.desktop.
  3. Inside thunderbird.desktop, there's a field called Exec, and the value is "thunderbird %u."
  4. If you run Thunderbird and open the hamburger menu, then select Help->Troubleshooting Information, you'll see a field labeled "Application Binary."
  5. If you're running the last Ubuntu-packaged Thunderbird, the value of "Application Binary" is "/usr/lib/thunderbird/thunderbird."
  6. If you're running the new Thunderbird package, the value of "Application Binary" is "/usr/lib/thunderbird/thunderbird-bin."
  7. I think because "thunderbird-bin" isn't part of the value for Exec in thunderbird.desktop, GNOME is deciding that thunderbird.desktop is unrelated to the running Thunderbird process.
  8. I think a similar discrepancy ("firefox" vs. "firefox-bin") is responsible for pop-os/pop#2314.

What I haven't been able to figure out is what the packaging of thunderbird has to do with what Thunderbird reports as its binary filepath.

jacobgkau commented 1 month ago

It doesn't use the Exec line, it uses the StartupWMClass line. I've already made a fix for it here: https://github.com/pop-os/packaging-thunderbird/pull/7

The theme issue is a GTK theme issue, which we have to be careful with since that's also used for Firefox: https://github.com/pop-os/gtk-theme/issues/606 In the meantime, you can work around this one by setting any other theme (like the built-in Light theme) within the Thunderbird settings.

rhanneken commented 1 month ago

That's great news, and thanks for the fix. Sounds like my theory was a little off. Maybe you should investigate pop-os/pop#2314. I believe it's basically the same issue.

jacobgkau commented 1 month ago

The xprop command shows that the WM_CLASS string for Firefox is just plain firefox, which is what's in the firefox.desktop file, so it's not the same issue as the dock pinning problem. (We ship regular release Firefox and extended support release Thunderbird at this time; the different release channel is why the .desktop file has to specify a different class. Mozilla presumably has them send separate classes in case you want to use both at once.)

The default applications mechanism may use Exec or something else other than StartupWMClass. I'll take a look at that when possible, at least for 24.04.

rhanneken commented 1 month ago

For what it's worth, I believe Firefox is falling into this code path and creating a new .desktop file instead of using the existing one.