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Feature request: Show option to switch user on lock screen #1940

Open debboutr opened 2 years ago

debboutr commented 2 years ago

Distribution (run cat /etc/os-release):

ID_LIKE="ubuntu debian"
PRETTY_NAME="Pop!_OS 21.04"

Related Application and/or Package Version (run apt policy $PACKAGE NAME):

login screen

Issue/Bug Description:

If I, the administrator, sign into pop and then later leave my session by going to system menu on the upper-right hand corner, expand Power Off / Log Out and then select Suspend everything works as expected. !IMPORTANT! If I have another user who also has granted admin privileges turns the machine back on and then gets prompted to sign-in under my account, the only option in the upper-right system menu under the Power Off / Log Out is Suspend. Shouldn't they have the ability to switch user so that they can get to their account??

Steps to reproduce (if you know):

fresh install / make 2 users (both admin..not important, really) / login to one account / Suspend / then try to get to the other users account from the login when you turn machine back on.

Expected behavior:

Switch User... should be an option for another user to sign into their account when the login prompt is set to a user other than their own after a Suspend is performed.

Other Notes:

There may be reasons for this not to be an option that I am unaware of, but if you have 2 different people using the same machine, you wouldn't want to lock one out because the other performed a Suspend I'm imagining??

jacobgkau commented 2 years ago

The screen shown after waking up from suspend is just the lock screen.

The lock screen should show a small icon in the bottom right, which is the icon to switch users. It's not labeled, so I can see how it would be easy to miss (I don't think I ever knew it was there until I went looking for it just now.) Can you confirm if you see the icon in the bottom right?