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Package/include AMDGPU-PRO OpenCL components #1971

Open KotoWhiskas opened 2 years ago

KotoWhiskas commented 2 years ago

For now, to install and run DR under latest amd pop os, user needs to install some packages from terminal like opencl-headers ocl-icd-libopencl1 clinfo, mesa-opencl-icd After that, the only way to get it working is to find some scipt that just installs opencl proprietary libraries like on this github repo for example, because amdgpu-pro doesn't support non-lts ubuntu. It won't uninstall opensource drivers and it won't affect opengl/vulkan games. Can it all be installed by default, since pop os is known as "ubuntu with all drivers preinstalled"? I don't know how will it affect intel gpus, but maybe installer should check it on the installation process?

jacobgkau commented 2 years ago

Tagging this as related to https://github.com/pop-os/pop/issues/1135.

eduncan911 commented 1 year ago

Seconding this. Now that I have a new work station that is all AMD, Pop_os is painful in things that want OpenGL (Blender, Cycles, Luxcore, FreeCAD, etc).

I've been hesitant to install anything in fear of breaking my Pop_os install. My last install lasted 4 years of point upgrades without a single issue! That's impressive.

However, on other developer machines, that was not the case as I had something install that broke Pop upgrades. I did not want to install anything for OpenCL without an official System76 wiki about how to install OpenCL in a supported way.

Zaglim commented 1 year ago

I bough an AMD GPU with the understanding it is more Linux compatible, but now it seems like NVIDIA is a lot better because of this issue

I did not want to install anything for OpenCL without an official System76 wiki about how to install OpenCL in a supported way.

I'm in the same boat a you @eduncan911. I want to be able to run Folding At Home on my GPU!

locomoco28 commented 5 months ago

I moved to PopOS hoping for a hassle free experience but ended up with so many issues related to AMD GPU drivers. I tried updating drivers once and broke my whole installation like a week into using PopOS so I also avoid doing anything that's not recommended by System76. The Finals, the only game I play, keeps crashing for some reason, sometimes freezing my whole system. Really annoying :/ I've been a PopOS user for less than a month and had less trouble when I was running an Arch based distro for >6 months

eduncan911 commented 5 months ago

As a follow-up, I did venture into the world of AMD proprietary drivers and getting "Compute" working for number of apps.

While it did kind of work in the end with Blender using cycles on AMD, other apps would.not detect the API. Once I got working, it would break Blender cycles. Once I rebooted grub was broke. Formatted and tried all over again with a fresh install, and could NOT get non-proprietary methods working for cycles again.

There seems to be two or three different sets of driver setups for AMD and computes. And none of them seem to be a one-shot solution for all: one works with most, but not cycles. And vice versa.

It's like I need two different AMD Pop-os machines, with two different AMD driver setups, to use access all of my apps.

And, I broke pop-os again (im pretty good at fixing Linux systems, but this driver mess was beyond my kernel skills).

Lost so much time for work... I just threw on an Nvidia version of Pop-os, and a cheap Nvidia Tesla P4, and got computer rendering in the background so I can continue developing on the Threadripper CPU. The VEGA64s (plural) sit idle...

locomoco28 commented 5 months ago

I installed Debian tbh, OpenCL works with ease, The Finals runs smoother (tho I did have a crash once so that's prolly a game issue), think I'm gonna stick with the old bullet-proofed solution lol

jacobgkau commented 5 months ago

The biggest issue with the proprietary AMDGPU-PRO drivers is that they're often not updated to support newer kernel versions very quickly, while Pop!_OS needs to ship relatively recent kernel versions to continuously support new hardware (particularly in System76 products, but also for everyone else). We couldn't update AMDGPU-PRO to support a newer kernel ourselves even if we had the development resources to do that because it's proprietary. In that sense, using a distro such as Debian or RHEL that doesn't update its kernel version as often will probably make your life easier if you need AMDGPU-PRO, as long as your hardware is old enough to be supported on those distros.

AMD slowly deprecating AMDGPU-PRO in favor of ROCm will eventually make the situation a bit better, as ROCm is open-source, more modular, and generally (but not always) better about supporting brand-new kernel versions. For now, some apps may work with one of these but not the other. (If/when AMDGPU-PRO eventually goes away entirely, then the onus will be on apps to support ROCm and stop requiring a then-discontinued legacy driver.)

This issue page is specifically about the prospect of Pop!_OS shipping a .deb package with some or all of the AMD OpenCL/HIP components. Since we already know the AMD compute driver situation is FUBAR, I'd respectfully ask that discussion here stay about the intended topic of packaging (or if you're going to talk about the driver troubleshooting you've done, at least be much more specific about which components/versions you tried, what exact steps you took to install/remove them, and what exact apps worked or didn't work with each configuration).

This other issue is about problems installing the proprietary AMDGPU-PRO DKMS driver specifically: https://github.com/pop-os/pop/issues/1135 There's also some discussion about ROCm installation here: https://github.com/pop-os/pop/issues/3235