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Screen goes to black after ~20 seconds of inactivity after upgrade to 21.10, no obvious way to disable #2104

Open merehap opened 2 years ago

merehap commented 2 years ago

Distribution (run cat /etc/os-release): System76 Thelio

Processor: AMD® Ryzen 9 5950x 16-core processor × 32 Graphics: NVIDIA Corporation OS Name: Pop!_OS 21.10 OS Type: 64-bit GNOME Version: 40.4.0 Windowing System: X11

Issue/Bug Description: Immediately upon upgrading, my screen goes to black (but does not lock) after ~20 seconds without keyboard/mouse input.

Under Settings > Power, I have Blank Screen set to 15 minutes, not ~20 seconds, and Automatic Suspend is Off.

I'm not the only one to have this problem: https://www.reddit.com/r/pop_os/comments/rlhl9f/screen_goes_off_after_seconds_of_inactivity_and/

Steps to reproduce (if you know): Let computer sit untouched for ~20 after logging in after upgrading to 21.10.

Expected behavior: Screen does not blank after ~20 seconds, but instead follows the value that I've set in Settings > Power > Blank Screen.

Other notes:

coffeepotkiller commented 2 years ago

Similar symptoms for me after upgrading to Pop!_OS 21.10 but from my timing it seems to happen consistently at ~30 seconds.

EngineOfDarkness commented 2 years ago

Same Issue on custom desktop hardware, all currently available updates are installed.

I've timed this twice to exactly 1 Minute until the screen goes blank.

Screenshot from 2021-12-25 15-24-44

I installed no gnome extensions and I also have added no ppas

I already went and tried the obvious - resetting the values in privacy -> screen lock by first changing them to something else and then changing them back.

Screenshot from 2021-12-25 15-26-44

This does not happen if I have a tab with a running youtube video active (the video does not need to be fullscreen). The tab has to be active though, having the video run in a background tab does not prevent the issue.

This happens if I stop any inputs (e.g. via keyboard & mouse).

E.g. if I stop any inputs (e.g. while writing this comment) and wait for the aforementioned 1 minute, the screen goes blank.

Moving my mouse unblanks the screen.

SametSahin10 commented 2 years ago

I've solved my problem with the command

xset -dpms

Check out this Reddit post for more info.

merehap commented 2 years ago

Thanks Samet! That fix worked for me.

thegranddesign commented 2 years ago

This also worked for me, although I would suggest this be done on upgrade so as not to get additional support requests.

thegranddesign commented 2 years ago

I have an update here for the System76 folks: I'm not sure what causes it, but this is being reverted somehow. (Also, this same change causes the LED lights on the keyboard to go out. The LED lights are significantly less of an issue, but still....)

So apparently at some point this starts happening again. I'm not sure what causes it. Running sudo xset -dpms fixes the issue again, and then at some point it gets flipped once more.

SametSahin10 commented 2 years ago

I have an update here for the System76 folks: I'm not sure what causes it, but this is being reverted somehow. (Also, this same change causes the LED lights on the keyboard to go out. The LED lights are significantly less of an issue, but still....)

So apparently at some point this starts happening again. I'm not sure what causes it. Running sudo xset -dpms fixes the issue again, and then at some point it gets flipped once more.

I had that too. xset -dpms fixes it but after some time it became the way it was before. Showing a blank screen after a short period of time. I ran xset -dpms and fixed it again.

thegranddesign commented 2 years ago

@SametSahin10 can you confirm behavior that I'm seeing: After running xset -dpms, it's true that the screen does not go blank after 30 seconds, however if you have your power settings set to blank the screen after a certain period of time (via the "Blank Screen" setting under "Power"), the screen will blank but will not turn off as it used to do. This means that the screen is still "on" and therefore a) drawing power and b) using the screen's life unnecessarily

UniqueActive commented 2 years ago

@thegranddesign I can confirm that after running xset -dpms the screen does not actually turn off, the backlight stays on, meaning that this is not a good solution but rather a problematic workaround that unnecessarily spends power and shortens the display lifespan.

I am facing the same issue after upgrading to 21.10 on a ThinkPad X220 with an i5-2520M and its integrated graphics.

Edit: Meant 21.10 of course, corrected my typo.

007vedant commented 2 years ago

I'm also experiencing the same problem since I've updated to Pop 21.10. Tried everything in the settings, still the problem persists. Moreover xset -dpms seems to lose effect automatically after some time. Is there a way, we can bring the Pop OS dev team to notice this issue quickly, in a hope for a patch to fix the issue in future?

mmstick commented 2 years ago

It'd be helpful if those affected could try out this change to see if it fixes the issue more permanently.

leon-barrett commented 2 years ago

@mmstick That seems to be helping in my case.

Edit some days later: While that fix originally helped, I now see the problematic blanking behavior again.

arthurlch commented 2 years ago

Confirming the same issue on 21.10

xset -dpms is fixing the issue.

jyavorska commented 2 years ago

@mmstick I ran into this issue as well and adding that config seems to have fixed it for me.

thegranddesign commented 2 years ago

@mmstick's changes resolved my issues.

thegranddesign commented 2 years ago

Ugh. Unfortunately I spoke too soon. @mmstick I noticed that this does, in fact switch back to the previous behavior (the screen dims before going out) and it worked fine once, but has not reverted to the old behavior. I switched the "screen blank" from 3 minutes to 15 minutes (I don't know if that has anything to do with it) via the control panel. But regardless, it's now blanking out as before after about 30 seconds. I'm going to try to reboot here in a sec to see if that "fixes" it again (and for how long).

arthurlch commented 2 years ago

@thegranddesign check your output with xset q in bash.

then xset s off && xset -dpms Should fix it.

Ubuntu & Ubuntu based distro have some issues about Screen going blank after 1 minute and it seems to be common.

thegranddesign commented 2 years ago

@arthurlch I appreciate the help! Unfortunately xset -dpms causes the screen to blank but not turn off and is therefore a non-starter for me.

@mmstick is there something I can do to help track this down?

merehap commented 2 years ago

@mmstick Your fix is working for me, at least for now.

thegranddesign commented 2 years ago

@merehap can you try changing your "Blank Screen Delay" under "Screen Lock" to something longer than what it currently is and see if the screen starts blanking at 30 seconds again? Then try shorter and see if it does it then? Trying to track down a repro case.

merehap commented 2 years ago

@thegranddesign Looks like I'm back to blanking again without having changed anything. So I'm guessing that me changing Black Screen Delay won't provide you any useful information.

yanvirin commented 2 years ago

@mmstick Your changes solved the issue for me. I will check if with time the changes are overridden by some other process or not, and whether the issue reoccurs.

merehap commented 2 years ago

This time around I had ~13 day uptime before the premature blanking behavior started again. I'm unclear on what event is causing it to regress. I'll reboot again and get another span of glitch-free time.

chriswininger commented 2 years ago

Just to add to the info, I to started seeing this behavior after upgrade. I am using a System76 Adder WS on 2.10. Running xset -dpms from a terminal seems to fix the issue, temporarily.

OS: Pop!_OS 21.10 x86_64 Kernel: 5.16.11-76051611-generic Packages: 2406 (dpkg), 50 (flatpak), 5 (snap) Shell: bash 5.1.8 Resolution: 3840x2160 DE: GNOME 40.5 WM: Mutter WM Theme: Pop Theme: Pop-dark [GTK2/3] CPU: Intel i7-9750H (12) @ 2.250GHz GPU: Intel CoffeeLake-H GT2 [UHD Graphics 630] GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 Mobile Memory: 14589MiB / 31814MiB

thegranddesign commented 2 years ago

FWIW I (for other reasons) needed to do a fresh install and this issue resolved itself. Not a "fix" by any means but maybe it will help add a clue to the pile to resolve this correctly.

merehap commented 2 years ago

This issue went away for me after I stopped physically switching between using my TV and my normal monitor as my monitor on a daily basis. I don't know if hooking up to the TV was the problem or if detaching from my normal monitor was the problem, but it's one of those two (for me at least). Also, even though I was doing that switch almost daily, the problem did not consistently occur daily, so there is some confounding factor too.

quantum-quirks commented 1 year ago

Still no fix for this weird behavior? I'm encountering the same issue. xset -dpms seems like a hack than an actual fix. Furthermore the same issue starts happening after a while

lionslair commented 1 year ago

I've got around it by using a user systemd service. On login xset -dpms

On lock screen xset +some

Some reason screens are back on in the morning but works for a few hours

jonathancross commented 1 year ago

I'm seeing this return for the third time in the last 5 months. I ran touch on /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-pop-dpms.conf again to try and "re-apply" the fix, but that didn't work.

RafalSkolasinski commented 1 year ago

22.04 still affected

leviport commented 1 year ago

Wonder if this is related: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1408394/my-screen-goes-black-after-30-seconds-of-inactivity-in-ubuntu-22-04

Maybe try xset s off && xset -dpms and see if that makes it go away?

doxxedd commented 1 year ago

22.04 still the same issue. sudo xset -dpms fixes it temporarily or until restart

AyushSehrawat commented 8 months ago

I have similar issue on PopOS 22.04, it usually happens after first boot that my screen goes black after few seconds / minutes of booting.

retrodaredevil commented 1 month ago

This started happening to my with my install of 22.04, possibly after the latest update to my nvidia drivers. sudo xset -dpms fixes it until a reboot.

dkowis commented 1 month ago

My system has started doing this as well, for the first time ever.

❯ neofetch                                                                                                                                                                         (base)
             /////////////                dkowis@raziel-linux.dark.kow.is
         /////////////////////            -------------------------------
      ///////*767////////////////         OS: Pop!_OS 22.04 LTS x86_64
    //////7676767676*//////////////       Host: X570 AORUS PRO WIFI -CF
   /////76767//7676767//////////////      Kernel: 6.8.0-76060800daily20240311-generic
  /////767676///*76767///////////////     Uptime: 3 days, 22 hours, 16 mins
 ///////767676///76767.///7676*///////    Packages: 3041 (dpkg), 52 (nix-default), 76 (flatpak)
/////////767676//76767///767676////////   Shell: fish 3.7.1
//////////76767676767////76767/////////   Resolution: 3840x2160
///////////76767676//////7676//////////   DE: GNOME 42.5
////////////,7676,///////767///////////   WM: Mutter
/////////////*7676///////76////////////   WM Theme: Pop
///////////////7676////////////////////   Theme: Pop-dark [GTK2/3]
 ///////////////7676///767////////////    Icons: Pop [GTK2/3]
  //////////////////////'////////////     Terminal: x-terminal-emul
   //////.7676767676767676767,//////      CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 3950X (32) @ 3.500GHz
    /////767676767676767676767/////       GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti
      ///////////////////////////         Memory: 19706MiB / 64243MiB
Wouter1 commented 1 month ago

This problem is not Pop specific. I have the same issue on ubuntu 20

:~$ cat /etc/os-release 
VERSION="20.04.3 LTS (Focal Fossa)"
PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS"
poldap commented 2 weeks ago

Same happening here. Anyone opened up this bug to Ubuntu @Wouter1?

             /////////////                poldap@pop-os
         /////////////////////            -------------
      ///////*767////////////////         OS: Pop!_OS 22.04 LTS x86_64
    //////7676767676*//////////////       Host: PRIME-Z790-P-10DE
   /////76767//7676767//////////////      Kernel: 6.8.0-76060800daily20240311-generic
  /////767676///*76767///////////////     Uptime: 5 days, 18 hours, 29 mins
 ///////767676///76767.///7676*///////    Packages: 2924 (dpkg), 10 (flatpak), 8 (snap)
/////////767676//76767///767676////////   Shell: bash 5.1.16
//////////76767676767////76767/////////   Resolution: 5120x1440
///////////76767676//////7676//////////   DE: GNOME 42.9
////////////,7676,///////767///////////   WM: Mutter
/////////////*7676///////76////////////   WM Theme: Pop
///////////////7676////////////////////   Theme: Pop-dark [GTK2/3]
 ///////////////7676///767////////////    Icons: Pop [GTK2/3]
  //////////////////////'////////////     Terminal: WarpTerminal
   //////.7676767676767676767,//////      CPU: Intel i9-14900KF (32) @ 5.700GHz
    /////767676767676767676767/////       GPU: NVIDIA 01:00.0 NVIDIA Corporation Device 2705
      ///////////////////////////         Memory: 5658MiB / 64107MiB