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My VPN does not work in wezterm, Alacritty third-party terminal, but it works in the default terminal and browser #3292

Open lamb007 opened 2 weeks ago

lamb007 commented 2 weeks ago

Distribution (run cat /etc/os-release): NAME="Pop!_OS" VERSION="22.04 LTS" ID=pop ID_LIKE="ubuntu debian" PRETTY_NAME="Pop!_OS 22.04 LTS" VERSION_ID="22.04" HOME_URL="https://pop.system76.com" SUPPORT_URL="https://support.system76.com" BUG_REPORT_URL="https://github.com/pop-os/pop/issues" PRIVACY_POLICY_URL="https://system76.com/privacy" VERSION_CODENAME=jammy UBUNTU_CODENAME=jammy LOGO=distributor-logo-pop-os

Related Application and/or Package Version (run apt policy $PACKAGE NAME): Setting-Network-VPN-NetWork Proxy:Manual VPN app: clash verge dev

Issue/Bug Description: Yesterday, I tried the POP!_OS operating system and configured the new terminal, Wezterm. I noticed that the download speed with pip was very slow. Initially, I thought it might have been an issue during the OS installation. So, today I reinstalled the operating system and tested the download speed of the pip command in the terminal after each step.

However, even after configuring Wezterm, I frequently encountered timeouts when using the pip command in Wezterm. Then, I tried using wget to download something and found that the speed was only a few tens of kb/s. Interestingly, this issue didn't occur when I used the operating system's default terminal.

To investigate further, I conducted a simple test and discovered that network requests in Wezterm weren't passing through my VPN. To rule out any potential issues with Wezterm, I downloaded another terminal, Alacritty, but the problem persisted. Network requests still weren't going through the VPN.

the left terminal is wezterm, the right terminal is the default terminal popos provides Snipaste_2024-05-15_14-43-43

By the way, my VPN only fails to work in Wezterm and Alacritty. It functions normally in the default terminal and browser.

Steps to reproduce (if you know): use wezterm or Alacritty.

Expected behavior: Ability to use VPN in third-party terminals such as wezterm

Other Notes: thanks for your time!!!

Normand-Nadon commented 2 weeks ago

Hello sir, I use VPNs a lot in Pop!OS and I think I can help you.

Would you mind sharing with us what VPN service you are using? (namely the type of VPN...)

Normaly, the VPN is transparent to the application layer... They should send their traffic to whatever port they would normaly do if there were no VPN, and it is the network stack that will do the legwork after that.

lamb007 commented 2 weeks ago

Thank you very much for your willingness to help me. I have spent a lot of time on this problem and it has not been solved yet. I don't quite understand what "type of VPN" refer to, I can provide you with its official website: https://user1.spcloud.cc, I wonder if it is useful. In fact, I didn't find similar issues in the popos forum and GitHub issue, so if you need some additional information, I'm happy to provide, but it may be slightly late due to time zone. Thanks again for your help

---- Replied Message ---- | From | @.> | | Date | 05/16/2024 00:28 | | To | pop-os/pop @.> | | Cc | lamb @.>, Author @.> | | Subject | Re: [pop-os/pop] My VPN does not work in wezterm, Alacritty third-party terminal, but it works in the default terminal and browser (Issue #3292) |

Hello sir, I use VPNs a lot in Pop!OS and I think I can help you.

Would you mind sharing with us what VPN service you are using? (namely the type of VPN...)

Normaly, the VPN is transparent to the application layer... They should send their traffic to whatever port they would normaly do if there were no VPN, and it is the network stack that will do the legwork after that.

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Normand-Nadon commented 2 weeks ago

Sorry, I can't read Chinese and I know nothing about SPCloud... Are you sure this is not a proxy server?

There are several types of VPNs, and Linux handles them in different ways.

Common types are: OpenVPN, PPTP, L2TP, SSLVPN (Fortinet), Wireguard, etc.

Wireguard is managed by the kernel directly, the others will have services running in the background.

lamb007 commented 2 weeks ago

Sorry, I got the proxy server and vpn wrong, because I used to use the same proxy server normally in ubuntu, so I think there may be some special Settings in popos

---- Replied Message ---- | From | @.> | | Date | 05/16/2024 21:31 | | To | pop-os/pop @.> | | Cc | lamb @.>, Author @.> | | Subject | Re: [pop-os/pop] My VPN does not work in wezterm, Alacritty third-party terminal, but it works in the default terminal and browser (Issue #3292) |

Sorry, I can't read Chinese and I know nothing about SPCloud... Are you sure this is not a proxy server?

There are several types of VPNs, and Linux handles them in different ways.

Common types are: OpenVPN, PPTP, L2TP, SSLVPN (Fortinet), Wireguard, etc.

Wireguard is managed by the kernel directly, the others will have services running in the background.

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Normand-Nadon commented 2 weeks ago

A proxy server and a VPN are not the same thing and they are not setup the same way... You will need to provide more details for us to help you :)

The way you setup VPN and proxy is identical in Ubuntu and Pop-OS... You might need to add gnome package to manage it in the GUI though. That is why I was asking you about the type of VPN used.

Have a good day.

lamb007 commented 2 weeks ago

What more detailed information do you need, I can provide, I currently know that I can use the web proxy in exactly the same way on ubuntu, i test it today

---- Replied Message ---- | From | @.> | | Date | 05/16/2024 22:08 | | To | pop-os/pop @.> | | Cc | lamb @.>, Author @.> | | Subject | Re: [pop-os/pop] My VPN does not work in wezterm, Alacritty third-party terminal, but it works in the default terminal and browser (Issue #3292) |

A proxy server and a VPN are not the same thing and they are not setup the same way... You will need to provide more details for us to help you :)

The way you setup VPN and proxy is identical in Ubuntu and Pop-OS... You might need to add gnome package to manage it in the GUI though. That is why I was asking you about the type of VPN used.

Have a good day.

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Normand-Nadon commented 2 weeks ago

I was trying to help you with the VPN setup... But I have no idea what VPN you are using, You are refering to a proxy here, not a VPN

lamb007 commented 2 weeks ago

it is okThank you. I can ask around the community

---- Replied Message ---- | From | @.> | | Date | 05/16/2024 23:33 | | To | pop-os/pop @.> | | Cc | lamb @.>, Author @.> | | Subject | Re: [pop-os/pop] My VPN does not work in wezterm, Alacritty third-party terminal, but it works in the default terminal and browser (Issue #3292) |

I was trying to help you with the VPN setup... But I have no idea what VPN you are using, You are refering to a proxy here, not a VPN

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lamb007 commented 2 weeks ago

Someone may have encountered similar problems

---- Replied Message ---- | From | @.> | | Date | 05/16/2024 23:33 | | To | pop-os/pop @.> | | Cc | lamb @.>, Author @.> | | Subject | Re: [pop-os/pop] My VPN does not work in wezterm, Alacritty third-party terminal, but it works in the default terminal and browser (Issue #3292) |

I was trying to help you with the VPN setup... But I have no idea what VPN you are using, You are refering to a proxy here, not a VPN

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lamb007 commented 2 weeks ago

Hello, Sir. I found the problem. After I started the proxy, echo $https proxy could get the output localhost: 7890 in the system terminal, but there was no output in the third-party terminal. After manually exporting the environment variable, the proxy could be used in the third-party terminal. I can only solve the problem in this way for the time being

---- Replied Message ---- | From | @.> | | Date | 05/16/2024 23:33 | | To | pop-os/pop @.> | | Cc | lamb @.>, Author @.> | | Subject | Re: [pop-os/pop] My VPN does not work in wezterm, Alacritty third-party terminal, but it works in the default terminal and browser (Issue #3292) |

I was trying to help you with the VPN setup... But I have no idea what VPN you are using, You are refering to a proxy here, not a VPN

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Normand-Nadon commented 2 weeks ago


  1. why, on your original question, were you talking about a VPN? Do you have a VPN or not?
  2. The proxy can be set directly on the connexion in the GUI... why do you do it through the terminal? You can do it with nm-connections....
lamb007 commented 2 weeks ago

answer your question:

  1. In the original question, I confused VPN and proxy, and mistakenly stated proxy as VPN. I didn't use VPN, but the problem occurred when using proxy.
  2. Why not use a GUI instead of a proxy software? Because there was no GUI entry in pop!_os in ubuntu before, I used to use proxy software.The proxy software helped me configure what should be configured in the GUI. In the original question, I described the system's "Setting-Network-NetWork Proxy: Manual" I'll try nm-connection and see if that fixes the problem thank you very much, have a good day.