pop-os / shell

Pop!_OS Shell
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Unknown Gnome freezes and journalctl go brrr #1432

Open Jacfger opened 2 years ago

Jacfger commented 2 years ago

(1) Issue/Bug Description: I think my issue is probably somewhat related to https://github.com/pop-os/shell/issues/1427 but isn't exactly the same. First of all, I wasn't having problems with workspace view. Second of all, I was having a third power nap so I don't actually even know what had actually happened. But like the aforementioned issue, I ended up rebooting to fix the problem. But I'm making a new issue because it has nothing to do with workspace view as far as my concern. (I woke up to see my screen not in workspace view and I rarely use it. So, it's unlikely that the issue was caused by workspace view)

One thing that might relate to this issue is that I woke up to see the launcher up (on the secondary monitor, if that matters at all). So perhaps it's some what related? However, since the error message was related to GNOME shell, I'm posting an issue here instead of launcher, if that make sense.

(2) Steps to reproduce (if you know): Nope, sorry.

(3) Expected behavior: Um, not freeze?

(4) Distribution (run cat /etc/os-release):

ID_LIKE="ubuntu debian"
PRETTY_NAME="Pop!_OS 21.10"

(5) Gnome Shell version: GNOME Shell 40.5

(6) Pop Shell version (run apt policy pop-shell or provide the latest commit if building locally):

  Installed: 1.1.0~1651771371~21.10~aa8f35d
  Candidate: 1.1.0~1651771371~21.10~aa8f35d
  Version table:
 *** 1.1.0~1651771371~21.10~aa8f35d 1001
       1001 http://apt.pop-os.org/release impish/main amd64 Packages
       1001 http://apt.pop-os.org/release impish/main i386 Packages
        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status

(7) Where was Pop Shell installed from: Come along with Pop os.

(8) Monitor Setup (2 x 1080p, 4K, Primary(Horizontal), Secondary(Vertical), etc): 2x 1080p. 16:9. Both in LandScape.

(9) Other Installed/Enabled Extensions: I don't think there's anything else installed. I opened extension using launcher and capture some pictures here. image image

(10) Other Notes: I will be posting my syslog as well, like the other post. (It was around 8GB)

Jacfger commented 2 years ago

https://connectpolyu-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/15084899d_connect_polyu_hk/EbWuVmmvAKpHvuiH8-za0esBNqaEJPji8VU3V_BVC5V0xQ?e=uuj7sO Here's the log

alexandre-julien commented 1 year ago

I also experienced this exact situation happening a few time in the past without the part related to workspace view, these days the issue seems to have disappeared, I don't exactly know when it stopped. Are you up to date and does the issue still persist ?

mmstick commented 1 year ago

Some have mentioned that animations can cause gnome-shell to freeze, so that's something to try if it's still an issue.