pop-os / upgrade

Utility for upgrading Pop!_OS and its recovery partition to new releases.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Failure to upgrade from 20.04 to 22.04 #314

Closed zacharyrs closed 4 months ago

zacharyrs commented 1 year ago

Hi there,

Hopefully, this is a suitable place to ask for support, if not, just point me in the right direction, please! I've already posted to the Pop!_OS subreddit here, but I'm a bit impatient and hoping I don't have to reinstall the machine.

Essentially. pop-upgrade fails, with an issue around failure to simulate upgrade. I've successfully upgraded four similar installs with no issue, though this one had an extra PPA for jenkins. I've already removed that and purged jenkins, so I'd assume it's not remanents from there.

I did gather some debug info which I've collated in a gist.

Any advice would be very appreciated, and I can provide any other info requested - I'm trying to avoid a weekend reinstall.

Cheers, Zach

jacobgkau commented 1 year ago

Hello, sorry for the lack of response, GitHub is not the proper place to get support. If you own System76 hardware, you can open a support ticket at support.system76.com. If not, the subreddit that you linked is available for community support, or we have a fairly active Mattermost chat server at https://chat.pop-os.org/pop-os/channels/upgrade-help (that link goes directly to the ~upgrade-help channel.)

Is this still an issue on your system? If you can provide the output of sudo apt update to see the current state of the package manager, I would be happy to walk you through repairing/manually upgrading the system. (A refresh install is another way to get past issues like this, but the manual method is not too difficult.)

jacobgkau commented 4 months ago

I'm closing this issue due to no response for over a year, assuming you have worked around the issue by now. If you still require assistance, just comment and we can re-open the issue, or visit the Mattermost chat room I linked to before.

We will be testing pop-upgrade extensively for the upcoming 22.04 -> 24.04 upgrade path, but stale issues like this aren't very actionable at this time.