pop-os / upgrade

Utility for upgrading Pop!_OS and its recovery partition to new releases.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Upgrade to 21.10 : failed to fetch apt URIs to fetch #316

Closed edd5913 closed 1 year ago

edd5913 commented 1 year ago

Dear All,

I am not able to upgrade the distribution. "sudo pop-upgrade release upgrade " generates the below message: "checking if pop-upgrade requires an update Current Release: 21.04 Upgrading to: 21.10 New version available: 8 Event: updating package lists Event: fetching updated packages for the current release Release upgrade status: release upgrade aborted: failed to fetch apt URIs to fetch pop-upgrade: calling ReleaseUpgradeFinalize method failed caused by: release upgrade cannot be finalized, because a release upgrade was not performed"

I have tried as well "sudo apt-get full-upgrade". some packages/linked applications seem broken/inconsistent. "Les paquets suivants contiennent des dépendances non satisfaites : pop-desktop : Dépend: pop-session mais ne sera pas installé Dépend: chrome-gnome-shell mais ne sera pas installé Dépend: gdm3 mais ne sera pas installé Dépend: gnome-shell mais ne sera pas installé Dépend: pop-default-settings mais ne sera pas installé Recommande: gnome-calendar mais ne sera pas installé Recommande: gnome-contacts mais ne sera pas installé Recommande: io.elementary.sideload mais il n'est pas installable Recommande: gnome-remote-desktop mais ne sera pas installé Recommande: gnome-shell-extension-prefs mais ne sera pas installé E: Erreur, pkgProblem::Resolve a généré des ruptures, ce qui a pu être causé par les paquets devant être gardés en l'état."

do you have any idea? I would prefer not to have to reinstall everything. thanks in advance. Jérôme.

mmstick commented 1 year ago

You can use the refresh os option from the installer. 21.10 is EOL since July so Ubuntu took the repositories offline.

jacobgkau commented 1 year ago

Alternatively, you can try updating the sources lists in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ to 22.04 (set all of the codenames to jammy) and updating manually with sudo apt update and sudo apt full-upgrade after that.

The output of apt policy pop-desktop pop-session chrome-gnome-shell gdm3 gnome-shell pop-default-settings may show why you're currently encountering the error message in your issue description.

We do have code that partially handles old-releases URLs for EOL'd versions of Ubuntu (e.g. here and here), but looking at this section of the code, that may only take effect if the current release is EOL, not the next release.

edd5913 commented 1 year ago

thanks for your replies. I have tried the jacob's solution but still issues with the broken packages. (full-upgrade does not work). the "apt policy " command generates the below report. the installed & candidate versions are identical.

  Installé : 1.6.0~1625267683~21.04~ac0465f
  Candidat : 1.6.0~1625267683~21.04~ac0465f
 Table de version :
 *** 1.6.0~1625267683~21.04~ac0465f 100
        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
  Installé : 5.0.0~1619191259~21.04~cb619a2
  Candidat : 5.0.0~1619191259~21.04~cb619a2
 Table de version :
 *** 5.0.0~1619191259~21.04~cb619a2 100
        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
  Installé : 10.1-5
  Candidat : 10.1-5
 Table de version :
 *** 10.1-5 500
        500 http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hirsute/universe amd64 Packages
        500 http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hirsute/universe i386 Packages
        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
  Installé :
  Candidat :
 Table de version :
 *** 100
        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status 500
        500 http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hirsute/main amd64 Packages
  Installé : 40.5-1ubuntu2
  Candidat : 40.5-1ubuntu2
 Table de version :
 *** 40.5-1ubuntu2 100
        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
     3.38.4-1ubuntu3~21.04.1 500
        500 http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hirsute-updates/main amd64 Packages
     3.38.4-1ubuntu2 500
        500 http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hirsute/main amd64 Packages
  Installé : 5.0.0~1624981545~21.04~38927e0
  Candidat : 5.0.0~1624981545~21.04~38927e0
 Table de version :
 *** 5.0.0~1624981545~21.04~38927e0 100
        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
jacobgkau commented 1 year ago

I have edited your comment to put the output in a code block. Please place three backticks (```) and a line break before and after output when you post.

edd5913 commented 1 year ago

thanks. I didn't aware of it.

jacobgkau commented 1 year ago

I have tried the jacob's solution

Your output does not show that you applied the configuration change that I suggested properly. You still have hirsute sources, not jammy. Also, you are missing the Pop!_OS release repository source (that is why you're getting the apt error message.)

If you want to recover the current system, you need to access /etc/apt/sources.list and the files in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ and change all instances of old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu to apt.pop-os.org/ubuntu, change all instances of hirsute to jammy, and you also need to add the Pop!_OS repository (apt.pop-os.org/release) to the system. For the final step, you should have a file at /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pop-os-release.sources containing the following text:

X-Repolib-Name: Pop_OS Release Sources
Enabled: yes
Types: deb deb-src
URIs: http://apt.pop-os.org/release
Suites: jammy
Components: main

Running sudo apt update should show no errors and should only say jammy (not hirsute anywhere.) Only after that is the case, you can try the sudo apt full-upgrade again.

I would recommend creating a Pop!_OS USB live disk (or verifying that your Recovery partition is working, if you have one) before attempting this. Doing a Refresh Install from the installer like Michael suggested would be your escape valve if something else goes wrong during this process.

System76 customers can reach out to support for technical assistance. For non-System76 hardware, you can seek community support on Reddit or Mattermost.

edd5913 commented 1 year ago

I think you are right a fresh install is the best choice before loosing everything. thanks for your support.

jacobgkau commented 1 year ago

A Refresh Install is not a "fresh" install. Refresh keeps your home directory.

jacobgkau commented 1 year ago

I'm going to go ahead and close this issue since we haven't heard back from a while (also because upgrading to an EOL release seems to be out of scope right now.) If you still need assistance, please reach out on Mattermost: https://chat.pop-os.org/pop-os/channels/upgrade-help