pop-os / upgrade

Utility for upgrading Pop!_OS and its recovery partition to new releases.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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pop-upgrade unresponsive to any command #327

Open alirezaalavi87 opened 8 months ago

alirezaalavi87 commented 8 months ago

Hi. Version: PopOS 22.04 LTS

I'm using i3wm alongside pop/gnome . when I login to i3wm the pop-upgrade daemon process keeps running and uses lots of CPU and RAM. I couldn't kill it with sudo killall pop-upgrade and doing anything like pop-upgrade status, the command hangs and doesn't exit even with Ctrl+C .

here are the results of sudo journalctl -u pop-upgrade -f :

Dec 16 10:25:11 geekme systemd[1]: Started Pop Upgrade Daemon.
Dec 16 10:25:11 geekme pop-upgrade[3163]: [INFO ] daemon/mod.rs:749: daemon registered -- listening for new events
Dec 16 10:25:12 geekme pop-upgrade[3177]: pop-upgrade was already not on hold.
Dec 16 10:26:23 geekme pop-upgrade[3163]: [INFO ] daemon/mod.rs:1099: updating apt sources
Dec 16 10:26:25 geekme pop-upgrade[4334]: Reading package lists...
Dec 16 10:26:25 geekme pop-upgrade[4334]: E: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock. It is held by process 2239 (apt-get)
Dec 16 10:26:25 geekme pop-upgrade[4334]: E: Unable to lock directory /var/lib/apt/lists/
Dec 16 10:26:25 geekme pop-upgrade[3163]: [INFO ] daemon/mod.rs:1010: performing a release check
Dec 16 10:26:25 geekme pop-upgrade[3163]: [INFO ] daemon/mod.rs:1017: Release { current: "22.04", lts: "true",  next: "22.10", available: false }
Dec 16 10:26:25 geekme pop-upgrade[3163]: [INFO ] release_api.rs:58: checking for build 22.04 in channel nvidia