pop4959 / Chunky

Pre-generates chunks, quickly, efficiently, and safely.
GNU General Public License v3.0
556 stars 63 forks source link

Chunky not utilizing CPU to full extent #354

Closed Barerock closed 1 month ago

Barerock commented 1 month ago

Having pregenned before, I noticed that chunky will use 100% of the CPU if given leave to. This time it's hardly working, and usually sitting around 30% with jumps to 50% and 80%, but nothing in the 90s or up. This is causing generation time for smallish radius to be exceedingly long. 5000 is at 4% after 30 minutes, and says it will take between 6 and 15 hours. Before, 5000 could generate 25% in less than an hour at full speed.

I haven't changed any chunk related settings or anything, it's just slow. This seems increasingly like a compatibility error, but I have no idea what could possibly change such a thing like CPU usage.

pop4959 commented 1 month ago

This is not a bug, please use the Discord server for support and read the FAQ for performance tips.

Barerock commented 1 month ago

This is not a bug, please use the Discord server for support and read the FAQ for performance tips.

I read the faq and found nada. Something working and then not working seems like the textbook definition of a bug. The faq also does not include really any info about CPU usage, only RAM, and basic things along the lines of "don't run this on a toaster."

pop4959 commented 1 month ago

Non-full utilization is normal. This is not considered a bug. Chunky does not decide how much CPU gets used, this is a software and hardware constraint of the chunk system in Minecraft.

If you were seeing CPU usage that was different before, you were running with a different software or hardware configuration with chunky. Please feel free to join the Discord server for more help troubleshooting, as we're willing to help there.