popUpZendo / PopUpZendoTimer

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User Crashes #2

Closed ShinboJosephHall closed 4 years ago

ShinboJosephHall commented 4 years ago


I think the next goal is to get this V2 in the hands of our bravest beta tester, but in order to do that, we will need to eliminate the user crashes - most of which seem to result from nil values, or user values changing in one area of the app but not another. I fixed some of these yesterday, but later found more issues. It might help to know that the app began with me learning to make lots of firebase calls, sometimes from DataServices, other times that wouldn't work so the calls came from individual view controllers. Later, I got some help and am trying to use data models and helpers (Bodhi, Groups, FirebaseInterface, Codable+Toys) that should automatically update as needed. Eventually, I intend (at this point) to eliminate the numerous direct queries to firebase and replace them with getting info from the data models. If I am using the wrong words and creating confusion, feel free to ask. Might also be helpful to know that the OneSignal code seems to result in users being assigned notification IDs (playerId) at unexpected times and possibly posting the previous users player id to firebase. Sorry for the many words, just wanted to let you know what you might not be expecting.

So the suggested issue to work on is this:

Get the app so it creates and updates users and can retrieve data in a way that doesn't crash. We need to be able to log out, add a new user, and use the app without crashing.