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Compilation task.json addition #10

Closed MNSleeper closed 1 year ago

MNSleeper commented 1 year ago

@aubertc , Would it be possible to add either: mvn compile or mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.mycompany.app.App" to the tasks.json "tasks.args" section to make compiling/building the program easier? I only ask because I did something similar to another project of mine that needed extra build arguments, and that worked.

If it helps, I was usings Windows winsock2 (for a client/server model) and it needed "-1Ws2_32" in the compile line to properly compile it. Once I added it to the task.json "tasks" section, it compiled fine.

aubertc commented 1 year ago

I am not familiar with those technologies, but sure, why not.

aubertc commented 1 year ago

Or you are asking me to do it?

MNSleeper commented 1 year ago

I was asking if you knew if it would work/had any experience with trying something like this. I'll try it out.

aubertc commented 1 year ago

I have no experience with this tool.

MNSleeper commented 1 year ago

Alright, thank you

aubertc commented 1 year ago

I am not sure I understand the original issue or why you closed it. If this tool had a purpose and simplified something for you, then yes, we should try to use it.

MNSleeper commented 1 year ago

Oh, my apologies. It's not a tool, it's a file that vscode uses to compile a project with additional parameters. It doesn't seem like something that that will work with Maven, though. I attached the tasks.json file of a project I mentioned in the example for clarity on what it is. Perhaps this will help clear up any confusion. tasks.txt.txt

aubertc commented 1 year ago

If it's a VS feature, there is no harm in adding it, simply indicate somewhere that it is provided as a courtesy to the users of this tool.

MNSleeper commented 1 year ago

I tested adding arguments to task.json ("mvn" and "-Dexec.mainClass="popbr.App"") and it didn't work. After looking online for what other people have done with tasks.jason in VS/Maven projects, I've come to the conclusion that these two things (tasks.json and the arguments) aren't two things that are compatible. With your permission, I'll close this issue.

aubertc commented 1 year ago

Sure, please go ahead.