popcorn-official / popcorn-android

Popcorn Time is a multi-platform, free software BitTorrent client that includes an integrated media player ( Android / AndroidTV ) A Butter-Project Fork
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Video scaling not working #823

Open ithakaa opened 1 year ago

ithakaa commented 1 year ago

Operating System Version: Amazon Fire TV Stick

Popcorn Time Version: tv-arm-release-0.3.6.apk

Download date: 12.11.2022

Download url: tv-arm-release-0.3.6.apk

Expected Behaviour

The ability to change display scaling to better fit the image to the screen.

Actual Behaviour

the scaling option has little to no effect to display scaling

Steps to reproduce the behaviour

play a movie identify that the scaling is incorrect select the scaling notion in the player setting identify that scaling does nothing