popcorncolonel / TwitchBotDetector

Bot Detector Bot's source code
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Hello i try it now on windows and on a linux server all dosnt work because top games. #12

Closed Cremaxx closed 7 years ago

Cremaxx commented 7 years ago

Could you help me setting it up on the linux server i dont know the problem...

Cremaxx commented 7 years ago

Would be amazing because i have no idea what i can do

Cremaxx commented 7 years ago

what is this xD this is some problem because not working on my server AND on my linux maybe you can connect to my server and look what is wrong

popcorncolonel commented 7 years ago

I would recommend going into the code and putting debug print statements at various intervals to see what is wrong. Or if you know how to use a debugger that would probably be better, but if not, print statements should be just fine. Also just removing the "try: except:" clause that the getting top games code is wrapped around to actually see what error you're getting.

Cremaxx commented 7 years ago

i checked it somehow the problem is on the file pass_info.py and chat_count.py

Cremaxx commented 7 years ago

`import logging

info for twitch servers

def get_username(): return "xxxcremaxx" def get_password(): return "oauth:xxxxxjshm6ytr9nfsg2yk0erijx0" `

`import logging

counts the number of chatters in a certain Twitch chat room.

import sys import socket import requests from pass_info import get_username, get_password from twitch_viewers import remove_non_ascii

names_num = "353" end_names_num = "366"

port1 = 6667 #irc port2 = 80 #http port3 = 443 #https default_port = port3

i = 0# def count_users(full_msg): data = full_msg.split("\r\n") count = 0 for namegroup in data: if ("End of /NAMES list" in namegroup or "tmi.twitch.tv " + end_names_num in namegroup): if (count == 65959): #This was a number I was getting repeatedly print "what." #When looking at riotgames (300k viewers). print namegroup #I still don't know why it is/was happening, so return 0 #it is still printing this for debugging purposes. return count - 1 namegroup = namegroup.split(" ") if names_num in namegroup: names = namegroup[5:] count += len(names) if count == 2: print full_msg if count == 65959: #this was happening a lot, unexplicably. print "wath" return 0 if count == 0: return count print "here" return count - 1 #don't count myself - i'm not actually in chat

def chat_count(chatroom, verbose=False): global i i = 0 chan = "#" + chatroom nick = get_username() PASS = get_password() sock = socket.socket() sock.connect(("irc.twitch.tv", default_port)) sock.send("PASS " + PASS + "\r\n") sock.send("USER " + nick + " 0 * :" + nick + "\r\n") sock.send("NICK " + nick + "\r\n") full_msg = "" while 1: sock.send("JOIN "+chan+"\r\n") data = remove_non_ascii(sock.recv(1024)) i+=1 if data[0:4] == "PING": sock.send(data.replace("PING", "PONG")) continue full_msg += data #if you keep requesting to JOIN the channel, it will continue returning

more and more names until "End of /NAMES list"

   if verbose:
       print data
   if ":End of /NAMES list" in data: #do we end the search?
       if verbose:
           print "returning (\"End of /NAMES list\") due to:"
           print data
       return count_users(full_msg)
   if ":jtv MODE #" in data:
       if verbose:
           print "returning (FOUND MODE) due to:"
           print data
       return count_users(full_msg)
   if "366 " + nick in data: #status code for ending the stream of names
       if verbose:
           print "returning (366) due to:"
           print data
       return count_users(full_msg)
   if False and "PRIVMSG" in data: #privmsg's only come in after the names list
       if verbose:
           print "returning (PRIVMSG) due to:"
           print data
       return count_users(full_msg)

def get_users(full_msg): l = [] data = full_msg.split("\r\n") for namegroup in data: if "End of /NAMES list" in namegroup or \ "tmi.twitch.tv " + end_names_num in namegroup: return l namegroup = namegroup.split(" ") if names_num in namegroup: names = namegroup[5:] for name in names: name = name.strip(":") if name != get_username(): l.append(name) print "here - i don't think this should occur." return l

def user_follows(user): follows = requests.get("https://api.twitch.tv/kraken/users/"+user+"/follows/channels") return follows.json()['_total']

def avg_user_follows(user): r= requests.get("http://tmi.twitch.tv/group/user/" + user + "/chatters") chatters = r.json() l = chatters['chatters']['viewers'] skip = int(len(l) / 29.0) avg = 0 cnt = 0 print "counting..." for user in l[::skip]: cnt += 1 total = user_follows(user) print cnt, user, total avg += total avg /= float(cnt) return avg

usage example: "python chat_count.py twitchplayspokemon"

if name == 'main': if len(sys.argv) >= 2: args = sys.argv[1:] verbose = '-v' in args or '--verbose' in args print verbose count = 5

print avg_user_follows(sys.argv[1])

    count = chat_count(sys.argv[1], verbose=verbose)
    print count, "chatters in %s" %sys.argv[1]

logging.warning('Watch out!') # will print a message to the console `

Cremaxx commented 7 years ago

these are the files is there anything wrong (the xxx is not in the original file :) )

Cremaxx commented 7 years ago

yo dont work well then i have to wait for a update

popcorncolonel commented 7 years ago

Yeah it looks fine. You're gonna have to debug it yourself, sorry man. It works fine on my end.