popcornmix / omxplayer

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Display Connection Crash After Starting 4 RTSP Streams #779

Open pthoelken opened 4 years ago

pthoelken commented 4 years ago

Okay. The Color-Blank-Screen is solved for now. The new strange behaivour is like the video below. omx or the whole pi crashed at opening all rtsp streams.

I simply run this script below to show 4 Cams as RTSP on RPi4B 8GB


screen -dmS left_top sh -c 'omxplayer --win "0 0 960 540" -b --live rtsp://user:pass@ -n -1'
screen -dmS right_bot sh -c 'omxplayer --win "960 540 1920 1080" -b --live rtsp://user:pass@ -n -1'
screen -dmS left_bot sh -c 'omxplayer --win "0 540 960 1080" -b --live rtsp://user:pass@ -n -1'
screen -dmS right_top sh -c 'omxplayer --win "960 0 1920 540" -b --live rtsp://@ -n -1'

I've uploaded to a temp plattform streamable: https://streamable.com/sffgu9

After pkill "omx" the display comes back to the normal desktop.

omxplayer - Commandline multimedia player for the Raspberry Pi
        Build date: Thu, 01 Aug 2019 12:50:43 +0000
        Version   : f543a0d [master]
        Repository: https://github.com/popcornmix/omxplayer.git
Jun  1 2020 13:23:40 
Copyright (c) 2012 Broadcom
version 6379679d1ec6a8c746d7e77e015f5b56b939976f (clean) (release) (start)
pthoelken commented 4 years ago
root@pi-prepare01:/home/user# cat /home/user/omxplayer.log | grep WAR
05:19:16 T:18446744071854960727 WARNING: Failed to acquire D-Bus name 'org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.omxplayer'
05:19:16 T:18446744071854960826 WARNING: DBus connection failed, trying alternate
05:19:17 T:18446744071855838804 WARNING: Unhandled dbus message, member: NameAcquired interface: org.freedesktop.DBus type: 4 path: /org/freedesktop/DBus
05:19:17 T:18446744071855895563 WARNING: Unhandled dbus message, member: NameAcquired interface: org.freedesktop.DBus type: 4 path: /org/freedesktop/DBus
root@pi-prepare01:/home/user# cat /home/user/omxplayer.log | grep ERR

This are the log results for WARNING only. I have no entries for "ERROR".

pthoelken commented 4 years ago

Absolutley Strange. The last 5 Kernel Version have the same problem. Now, after I upgrade to the latest version; I have the problem from #777 again and no more the problem from #779 (this case).

Any Ideas @popcornmix ?

pthoelken commented 4 years ago

Now, in a fresh installed RaspberryPi OS image I had the same problem as from the video (https://streamable.com/sffgu9). The only thing what I've changed was

  1. ip address from system
  2. memory-split to 256MB