However, I do not see Background step gets added in the precondition field of test cases in the testrail. I am also not getting any error. Test case gets added without background. Could you please suggest if anything is missing.
Given The browser resolution is '1367' per '768' -------> This is not added by using above command. It shows blank
@TR-C164442 @Kunal
Scenario Outline: Navigate to test site
Given I am on the url ''
Then I expect that the title contains <title>
| title |
| Google |
Hi Team,
I am using BDD Cucumber pytest framework. I have been exporting test cases and results into testrail using pytest commands.
python -m pytest -v --pytest-testrail-export-test-results --pytest-testrail-test-plan-id [planID]--pytest-testrail-test-configuration-name "Windows 10 Chrome" --driver Chrome --driver-path=./binaries/webdriver/chromedriver --tags ""
However, I do not see Background step gets added in the precondition field of test cases in the testrail. I am also not getting any error. Test case gets added without background. Could you please suggest if anything is missing.
Background: Given The browser resolution is '1367' per '768' -------> This is not added by using above command. It shows blank