popey / ncspot-snap

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Doesn't work in i3-WM #2

Open joselevelsup opened 4 years ago

joselevelsup commented 4 years ago

I can confirm in Gnome, the audio comes through. When I switch to i3 and try to play the audio, it doesn't work. Like no sound at all. It does show that the audio is playing but no sound. Any ideas?

Using Ubuntu 18.04

Dawid69 commented 4 years ago

I briefly got ncspot to work in my i3wm when I ran

cargo run --no-default-features --features portaudio_backend,cursive/pancurses-backend

but it seems that my laptop got VERY sluggish as it was running. Unfortunately im also really new to linux so when i tried to run ncspot again the music didnt play again.

kylios commented 4 years ago

I'm also running i3 on ubuntu 18.04 and not having any luck with audio. Audio seems to work just fine with vlc running in snap, but it connects to pulseaudio and not audio-playback. As far as I can tell, ncspot uses pulseaudio, but the snap doesn't provide a plug for it. Could that be the issue?

Dawid69 commented 4 years ago

Okay I think I found a workaround although I haven't been able to test this in its entirety I downloaded the ncspot-develop branch from this repository

Then in the folder i used cargo run --no-default-features --features pulseaudio_backend,cursive/pancurses-backend to compile and run the program.

After compiling my music seems to work. If that doesn't work, it also worked when the pulseaudio_backend is replaced by the recommended portaudio_backend as mentioned in the readme file. I assume this would also then work with any other backend that you could want to use.

joselevelsup commented 4 years ago

I moved away from using snap and currently using ncspot with Arch and i3. I'll leave this issue open for any one who is still having issues with snap and ncspot.

aerialviews007 commented 4 years ago

I'm also having the issue. Pop_OS 20.04 Gnome.

markstos commented 4 years ago

Sound works for me with Regolith and it's i3/gnome integration on Ubuntu 19.10

bashfulrobot commented 4 years ago

confirming it does work in Regolith.