Should the sample size for compute_r2 be the number of (diploid) individuals or the number of haplotypes? The options for make_table and hyperparam specify haplotypes, but the samplesize option of compute_r2 says "Number of individuals for which to compute statistics. Must be less than or equal to the sample size in tablefile." The example suggests the value of --samplesize should be the same across all three functions, I just want to confirm.
Should the sample size for compute_r2 be the number of (diploid) individuals or the number of haplotypes? The options for make_table and hyperparam specify haplotypes, but the samplesize option of compute_r2 says "Number of individuals for which to compute statistics. Must be less than or equal to the sample size in tablefile." The example suggests the value of --samplesize should be the same across all three functions, I just want to confirm.