pophealth / popHealth

popHealth - An Open Source Population Health Reporting Prototype
Apache License 2.0
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Immunizations with CVX code not picked up #22

Closed kclaes closed 12 years ago

kclaes commented 12 years ago

I think I have discovered a bug in the way Pophealth handles immunizations that are defined with a CVX code.

In the measure definitions, the CXV codes are part of json blocks of QDS_data_type "procedure_performed", so they are expected to be in the patient's procedures when calculating the measure.

However, both C32 and CCR importers put immunizations in the immunizations collection of a patient, making them accessible only under the immunizations and all_meds properties of the patients.

This mismatch causes immunizations not to work at all if they are only defined by means of CVX codes. They only work when defining them as a procedure (with CPT code = verified by us) or as a medication (with RxNorm code = not verified by us).

ssayer commented 12 years ago

bug confirmed, fix in progress

ssayer commented 12 years ago

Resolved and fix pushed to develop branch QME

kclaes commented 12 years ago

confirmed working (NQF0043 as test case)