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popHealth - An Open Source Population Health Reporting Prototype
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New user doesn't get admin rights #272

Closed okorokhina closed 9 years ago

okorokhina commented 9 years ago

executing curl -X POST -u okorokhina:Sindirella123 -H "Content-Type: text/xml" -d @qrda.xml with valid xml data getting 403:

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<body> <!-- This file lives in public/403.html --> <div class="dialog"> <h1>Your user account does not have access to the requested resource.</h1> <ul> <li>You may have mistyped the address or your user permissions may not have been set up correctly.</li> <li>If you just logged in and got this page, you likely either need the 'staff_role' added to your account, or you need to have an NPI assigned to your account to access one provider's data</li> <li>If you are trying to access an administration page, you will need the 'admin' role added to your account</li> <li>If you are trying to access data for another provider, you will need the 'staff_role' or 'admin' role added to your account</li> </ul> <a href="/users/sign_out" data-method="delete">Click here to logout</a> </div> </body> </html> </body> </html>

I'm the complete nube in ruby, please advice (you can see creds for my user there in curl command). Thank you!

okorokhina commented 9 years ago

Closing - you need to add "admin": true to your user's record in db.getSiblingDB("pophealth-development").users.update mongodb command.