popmedic / epcr

MVC solution for simple, easy, and automated paramedic ePCR.
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Questions... #1

Open popmedic opened 11 years ago

popmedic commented 11 years ago

You had some questions about technologies??? Ask away...

Thekob commented 11 years ago

My thought is an epcr that can incorperate all of today's technologies in one. The voice dictation with the ability fill in portions, which would be the majority, of the pcr automatically, the picture taking and magnetic strip reading. Maybe the ability to record the hand off report as video while showing pics of the crash. Seems like building this into an app and giving the end user the ability to use such a simple and multi-functioning platform would be a better option to the author.

popmedic commented 11 years ago

I would agree and start by just listing out the stuff to look into how it works. So... I thinking start by looking at the options for voice dictation. On to a new "Issue"...

Thekob commented 11 years ago

Any need for cues and a way the user would need to be trained to use a more standard verbal report to allow a more thorough capture of the dictation? Like a standard report. Seems it would give a good platform for standardized reporting.

popmedic commented 11 years ago

By cues, you mean, it hears the word blood pressure, and it pulls out the numbers you say afterwards and inputs a blood pressure???

Thekob commented 11 years ago

Yes. I think creating a template for the verbal reports would need to be done to ensure accuracy for the software to pick it up and put the info where it needs to go.

Would this be able to be an app? I feel the ipad would be a great way to go. It records, its easier to fix or replace than a laptop, and the ability to take pics are built in.

Thekob commented 11 years ago

Kind of a lot but heres my full thought. I think it would kill the other competition based of the two main objectives: to properly and thoroughly document findings for a medical record, and to convey info to the recieving facility with a more complete idea of the history/scene.

The epcr program should be able to develop over time as technology advances. As it stands now the Ipad seems like the best option for an "all around" option. The epcr will have the ability to record the hand off report and store it with the chart as well as other features not being used today.

Features should include the following;

Dictation for hand offs-convert to text to save time with documentation.

Picture taking ability to show actual wreckage to allow a better idea of mechanism, damage, and forces involved.

Bluetooth ability which will be used to transmit 12-leads to the recieving hospital. The issue with this will more than likely getting the devices to communicate with each other.

Each hospital will have a recieving ipad which will also allow for video reports and consultation.

By either a magnetic strip reader or a snapshot, obtain licence and insurance card info.

The actual epcr program will be streamlined to provide maximum efficiancy with charting. The software will be easy to navigate and as it is created by paramedics in an urban setting it will be easier and efficiant when compared to a program developed by a software engineer.

Finalized trip reports can be uploaded and stored via email as a pdf formatted file with the video extension also if they can be attached to each other.

popmedic commented 11 years ago

So, I think all of this will get incorporated into the project. To start lets focus on mapping out the basic feel of the user iPad client, and the big feature now will be the "transmitting" of the video streams from the iPad in the field to the iPad in the hospital. Instead of blue tooth, I would opt for a simple video stream proxy'd by the controller. Devices like the iPad can come with 3G enabled for gps and web access.