populationgenomics / automated-interpretation-pipeline

Rare Disease variant prioritisation MVP
MIT License
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AIP should permit multiple VCFs #372

Closed MattWellie closed 1 day ago

MattWellie commented 1 month ago

For GATK-SV we're using whole-cohort calling. For gCNV we're using batch calling.

For gCNV a full callset may span several VCF files/MatrixTables

Permit the addition of multiple separate VCFs in the ValidateMOI task

~Maybe all input data from the same source should be done in the same hail runtime to prevent clashing checkpoints etc.~

That shouldn't matter, SV results don't use a checkpoint... yet. Maybe if we got more categories involved.

MattWellie commented 1 day ago

Updated... might work, who knows